摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北地區學齡前幼兒父母之「教養信念」與「親子關係」之現況,以及不同「個人背景因素」學齡前幼兒父母在「教養信念」與「親子關係」之關係,另探討學齡前幼兒父母的「教養信念」與「親子關係」之相關性。更進一步瞭解「個人背景因素」對學齡前幼兒父母之「教養信念」與「親子關係」的預測力。
本研究係採「立意取樣」與「滾雪球」方式進行取樣,選取臺北地區「學齡前幼兒父母」為研究對象。正式施測樣本為450份,扣除無效問卷後,實得有效樣本為445份,有效回收率98.89%。所使用之研究工具包括:「個人基本資料表」、「教養信念量表」及「親子關係量表」。施測資料以SPSS for Windows 26.0 進行分析,採用:描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析,本研究旨在探討學齡前幼兒父母教養信念與親子關係之研究,主要研究結果如下:
四、臺北地區學齡前幼兒父母 「教養信念」與「親子關係」之相關情形
This study aimed to understand the current status of parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area. It also examined the relationship between parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers with different personal background factors. Additionally, it explored the correlation between parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers. Furthermore, it sought to further understand the predictive potential of personal background factors on the parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships of parents of preschoolers.
This study employed purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods to select preschoolers’ parents in the Taipei area as the research participants. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, and after excluding invalid responses, 445 valid questionnaires were received, resulting in an effective response rate of 98.89%. The research instruments used in this study included a personal information form, a parenting beliefs scale, and a parent-child relationship scale. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 26.0, employing descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers. The main research findings are as follows:
A. The current status of parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area:
1.The predominant parenting beliefs among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area are characterized by authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles.
2.The overall parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area tend to be at a good level. Among these relationships, the one characterized by ‘affective communication’ is the strongest, and ‘communication and respect’ comes after.
B. The relationship between personal background factors and parenting beliefs among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area:
1.There is a significant difference in parenting beliefs based on parents’ genders. Specifically, mothers tend to lean towards an authoritative parenting belief, while fathers tend to lean towards a neglectful parenting belief.
2.The marital satisfaction of parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area shows a significant weak positive correlation with both authoritarian and authoritative parenting beliefs. In other words, the better the marital satisfaction, the more likely parents are to adopt authoritarian and authoritative parenting beliefs.
3.There is a significant weak positive correlation between financial stress and authoritarian parenting beliefs. This suggests that parents with higher financial stress are more likely to adopt authoritarian parenting beliefs.
4.There is a significant weak negative correlation between work-family conflict and authoritative parenting beliefs. This indicates that parents with lower work-family conflict are more likely to adopt authoritative parenting beliefs.
5.There is a significant weak negative correlation between elderly intervention in parenting and authoritative parenting beliefs. This means that parents with less elderly intervention in parenting are more likely to adopt authoritative parenting beliefs.
6.There is a significant weak positive correlation between the frequency of searching for parenting-related information and authoritative parenting beliefs. This suggests that parents who search for parenting-related information more frequently are more likely to adopt authoritative parenting beliefs.
7.There is a significant weak negative correlation between the frequency of searching for parenting-related information and neglectful parenting beliefs. This indicates that parents who search for parenting-related information less frequently are more likely to adopt neglectful parenting beliefs.
8.There is a significant weak positive correlation between the frequency of reading parenting-related articles and authoritative parenting beliefs. This means that parents who read parenting-related articles more frequently are more likely to adopt authoritative parenting beliefs.
9.There is a significant weak negative correlation between the frequency of reading parenting-related articles and neglectful parenting beliefs. This suggests that parents who read parenting-related articles less frequently are more likely to adopt neglectful parenting beliefs.
C. The relationship between personal background factors and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area:
1.There is a significant difference in parent-child relationships based on parents’ genders. Specifically, mothers tend to have better overall parent-child relationships compared to fathers.
2.There is a significant weak negative correlation between work-family conflict and the overall parent-child relationships. This means that parents with less work-family conflict tend to have better overall parent-child relationships. There is also a significant weak negative correlation between work-family conflict and the ‘communication and respect’ aspect of parent-child relationships. This indicates that parents with less work-family conflict tend to have better communication and respect in their parent-child relationships.
3.There is a significant weak negative correlation between elderly intervention in parenting and the ‘communication and respect’ aspect of parent-child relationships. This means that parents with less elderly intervention in parenting tend to have better communication and respect in their parent-child relationships.
4.There is a significant weak positive correlation between the frequency of searching for parenting-related information and the overall parent-child relationships. This suggests that parents who search for parenting-related information more frequently tend to have better overall parent-child relationships.
5.There is a significant weak positive correlation between the frequency of reading parenting-related articles and the overall parent-child relationships. This indicates that parents who read parenting-related articles more frequently tend to have better overall parent-child relationships.
D.The relationship between parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area:
1.There is a significant strong positive correlation between authoritative parenting beliefs and the overall parent-child relationships. This means that parents who lean more towards authoritative parenting beliefs tend to have better overall parent-child relationships.
2.There is a significant weak negative correlation between permissive parenting beliefs and the overall parent-child relationships. This indicates that parents who lean more towards permissive parenting beliefs tend to have poorer overall parent-child relationships.
3.There is a significant moderate negative correlation between neglectful parenting beliefs and the overall parent-child relationships. This suggests that parents who lean more towards neglectful parenting beliefs tend to have poorer overall parent-child relationships.
E.The predictive power of personal background factors on parenting beliefs and parent-child relationships among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area:
The five factors, namely (a) work-family conflict, (b) work pressure, (c) authoritarian parenting beliefs, (d) authoritative parenting beliefs, and (e) neglectful parenting beliefs, among parents of preschoolers in the Taipei area were found to significantly predict 58% of the variation in their overall parent-child relationships. This means that when the participants have lower work-family conflict, higher work pressure, a lower inclination towards authoritarian parenting, a higher inclination towards authoritative parenting, and a lower inclination towards neglectful parenting beliefs, their overall parent-child relationships tend to be better.
Based on the above research findings, the following recommendations are suggested:
1.Fathers should actively and proactively participate in parenting and share the responsibility of childcare, providing companionship and encouragement to their preschoolers.
2.It is crucial to establish a stable source of family income, learn strategies to cope with work-family conflict, and enhance communication skills to achieve consensus on parenting approaches with the elderly generation.
3.Employers should provide flexible work hours to assist in achieving a work-family balance.
4.Preschools can organize seminars or provide information on parenting and parenting-related topics.
5.Family education centers should actively train parenting education volunteers and organize seminars on parenting to facilitate joint learning for parents and the elderly generation. |