摘要: | 近年社會結構與人口數的改變,促使寵物與飼主關係發生變化,由原本寵物功能性轉換成飼主與寵物間之情感連結程度,進而帶動整體寵物消費市場蓬勃發展。故計畫針對不同族群對寵物關節保健食品之購買意願進行分析。研究採抽樣問卷進行調查,主要探討犬貓飼主對寵物關節保健食品的知覺品質、品牌形象偏好和飼主與寵物的情感連結程度及購買意願。發放問卷對象為飼養過犬貓之飼主,問卷平台總瀏覽人數為352,有效回收問卷為301份。資料收集後,以SPSS軟體進行敍述性統計、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析之實證研究結果分析。研究結果發現:(1) 知覺品質對購買意願有正向顯著影響,故保健食品之特性、績效、美觀度、一致性會影響犬貓飼主購買產品之意願。(2) 品牌形象對購買意願有正向顯著影響,故保健食品之功能性、經驗性、象徵性可影響犬貓飼主購買產品之意願。(3) 飼主與寵物的情感連結程度對購買意願有正向顯著影響,故保健食品之安全感、幸福感與陪伴需求亦可影響犬貓飼主購買產品之意願。因此,我們建議廠商注重產品的品質與效用,提高產品品牌形象與知名度,藉此提高消費者寵物保健食品購買意願。
Recent changes in social structure and population have led to an alteration in the interaction between pets and owners shifting from pet functionality to pet-owner reliance, which in turn contributes to the prosperity of the modern pet consumer market. Thus, we are trying to analyze the consumption behavior of different age groups for purchasing pet health food. In this study, sampling questionnaires were used to investigate dog- and cat-owners' purchase intention, including perceptual quality of pet health food, brand image preference, the degree of emotional connection between owners and pets. The objects of the questionnaire survey are owners who have raised dogs and cats. The total number of questionnaires is expected to be 301, and the effective recovery rate is set to be over 95%. After data collection, we plan to use SPSS software to conduct “Descriptive Statistics”, “Reliability Analysis”, “Validity Analysis”, and “Regression Analysis”. Based on these results, we found: (1) Perceptual quality has a positive and significant impact on purchase intention, so the characteristics, performance, aesthetics, and consistency of health food can affect the willingness of dog- and cat-owners to purchase products. (2) Brand image has a positive and significant impact on purchase intention, so the functionality, experience, and symbolism of health food can affect the willingness of dog- and cat-owners to purchase products. (3) The degree of emotional connection between owners and pets has a positive and significant impact on purchase intention, so the sense of security, happiness and companionship needs of health food can also affect the willingness of dog- and cat-owners to purchase products. Therefore, we recommend that manufacturers pay attention on the quality as well as effectiveness of products and improve brand image as well as popularity to promote consumers' purchase intention for pet health food. |