誠度的影響,亦即探討粉絲對於偶像團體的承諾、誠信、滿意度 認知, 如何影響本身回購行為與口碑推薦意願;並且加入支持度 作為干擾變數。本研究以發放問卷方式蒐集研究樣本,蒐集份數 為 323 份,結果顯示承諾、誠信、滿意度對於回購行為與口碑推 薦意願具有正向顯著影響,其中,承諾對於回購行為以及口碑推 薦的影響比較大,其次為滿意度,最後才為誠信;另外,再加入 支持度為干擾變數之後,承諾亦對於回購行為與口碑推薦呈現正 向顯著的影響。
This study explores the impact of the quality of the relationship between Japanese idol groups and fans on customer loyalty, that is, how fans' commitment, integrity, and satisfaction cognition to idol groups affect their repurchase behavior and word-of-mouth recommendation intention; and add support degree as a disturbance variable. This study collects research samples by issuing questionnaires, and the number of copies collected is 323. The results show that commitment, integrity, and satisfaction have a positive and significant impact on repurchase behavior and word-of-mouth recommendation intention. The impact is relatively large, followed by satisfaction, and integrity last. In addition, after adding support as an interference variable, commitment also has a positive and significant impact on repurchase behavior and word-of-mouth recommendation.