摘要: | 銀行是一個受到政府最嚴密監管規範的行業,期望能夠維持金融秩序的穩定並顧及廣大消費者的權益,卻也讓金融服務的創新,步調稍顯得緩慢。近年來傳統銀行亦運用科技來增加經營之效率,以擴大金融商品之通路,但其金融服務仍舊無法滿足所有消費者之需求,因此使科技業者有機會接觸銀行金融服務創新的發展,進一步考驗傳統銀行的固有經營模式,使銀行的角色發生轉變。
The development of financial technology has accelerated the self-innovation of the modern financial industry. Also, deep integration of financial technology and traditional financial services have spawned new business formats. It is foreseeable that, as a new business format, open banking breaks through the limitation of time and space, and realizes the transformation of bank operations from offline to online, from independent operation to an open ecosystem, and thus achieves reciprocity in a broad sense: Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. This is just as Brett King, the godfather of financial innovation, said in "Bank 4.0": "Banking Everywhere, Never at a bank." Open banking is a new platform cooperation model derived from the development of financial technology. Due to the rapid changes in the financial industry, fintech services and open banking complement each other. When banks are forced to transform, if the infrastructure is insufficient, the regulatory legal system is incomplete, and the economic and social atmosphere is distrusted, they will surely face the challenges of fintech and open banking. The entire nation and society as a whole will suffer damage and turmoil as a result. The reason why open banking is popular in Europe and the United States is related to the local social and economic environment. Under the comprehensive factors, such as sufficient development momentum of financial technology, high social trust, relatively strong bank autonomy, and strict financial supervision measures, it is important for consumers as well. During this process, financial regulators must strive to balance between maintaining financial innovation and protecting consumers. The development of financial technology has driven the financial industry to produce many novel business models, which have had an impact on the existing legal regulations and supervision norms.
To avoid another financial crisis, countries are thinking about how to formulate new supervision policies to respond, without inhibiting innovation. In addition, this thesis will adopt the legal framework and implementation status of foreign open banks and try to compare and analyze the three major models of international development of open banks. Appropriate development of open banking has become a tentative proposal for the development of open banking here. Open banking is a new opportunity for Taiwan's financial ecology, but if financial regulators respond improperly, it may lead to a deeper crisis. |