夢是自我意識底層的投射,同時也是探究深沉生命的鑰匙。《莊子》〈齊物論〉云:「且有大覺,而後知此其大夢也。」以及佛洛依德(Sigmund Freud,1856-1939)的《夢的解析》所說:「夢是潛意識的精神表現,是欲望的滿足。」都體現出夢境是人類潛意識的表現。心理學家羅芙特斯(Elizabeth F. Loftus,1944-)研究所表示:人類的大腦對記憶和幻覺,出現虛假的情況,將未發生過的事情認為是曾經發生過的記憶,稱之為「虛假記憶」或「記憶膨脹」。心理學家榮格(Carl Gustav Jung,1875-1961)認為:即使你不懂夢的語言,夢也決定了你!仙逝的星雲大師所言「無想則無因,無因則無夢」。
正所謂「莊生曉夢迷蝴蝶」,對於創作者而言,夢能帶來無盡的想像空間與創作思維。 本論文結合水墨與當代藝術表現,將《夢境·意識》系列作品從創作構思和藝術表現中探究筆者夢境中的美好和怪異。
Dreams are a mysterious phenomenon that manifests itself in various ways in people's minds. For some, it may appear as a vivid painting, while others may feel like a theatrical performance. In most cases, dreams are like a script written in memory, and each person only sees glimpses of the scenes through the cracks in the stage. Dreams are projections of our subconscious and hold the key to exploring the depths of our lives.
As the ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi said in his essay "The Butterfly Dream," only when we have great awareness can we know that what we experience may just be a dream. Similarly, Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams" suggests that dreams are the expression of our subconscious desires.
Research by psychologist Elizabeth F. Loftus also suggests that our brains can create false memories or inflate existing ones, leading to the phenomenon of "false memories."
For psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung, dreams profoundly impact our lives, even if we do not understand their language. Dreams have the power to fuel our imagination, and they can be a source of inspiration for creators.
In conclusion, dreamland are unique to each individual, but they all share an element of mystery and intrigue. Whether we view them as a theatrical performance or a vivid painting, dreams have the potential to unlock the secrets of our subconscious minds and inspire endless possibilities.