摘要: | 古典藝術家,尤其是畫家,常常使用手工描繪或透過「暗箱」工具觀察來捕捉自然界的「真」。人們用盡各種方式來呈現自然「真實」的原貌,在觀念、色彩、透視學(Perspective)、素描、雕刻等方面不斷追求新的變化和突破;然而隨著攝影的發明,寫實主義(Realisme)畫家逐漸失去了市場,因為相片已經取代了畫家所描繪的「真實(現場)」,這也促使畫家對未來的繪畫產生了新的變革,不再追求像照片一樣的「真實」。有些畫家走出戶外,以毫不歪曲的態度仔細描繪自然的真,用寫生的方式來紀錄眼前的光影色彩;而有些藝術家則開創了新的領域和風格。
Classical artists, especially painters, often used manual techniques or "camera obscura" tools to capture the "truth" of the natural world. People used various methods to present nature's true appearance, constantly seeking new changes and breakthroughs in concepts, color, perspective,sketching, and sculpture. However, with the invention of photography,realist painters gradually lost their market because the photograph hadreplaced the "real (live)" that the painter depicted. This also promptedartists to generate new changes in the future of painting, no longerpursuing a "real" likeness like a photograph. Some painters went outdoors,carefully depicting the truth of nature with an unbiased attitude, recordingthe light, shadow, and color of the moment with a plein air approach,while others created new domains and styles.
In modern times, painters have returned to the studio and used photographs as their basis for depiction, but modern technology has made zoom lensesmainstream. However, I believe that the human perspective is the most natural,so using a "standard" lens to frame the view and attempting to observe the truth of nature with a "human-centered" mentality can help explore whyancient painters dominated the art world with their emphasis on"perspective". In my creative work, I limit the camera to using a 50mm lens to view "nature" and use portrait and still life paintings as examples.
I believe that the "truth" of nature should be based on the "human perspective", excluding the distortions that a lens perspective may bring. Seeing nature through the eyes of a person adds human flavor, a human touch, emotions, and warmth to the work, allowing viewers to gradually absorb and savor the true emotions within the piece and experience the realm of the ultimate goodness and beauty. |