摘要: | 2020年開始,各行各業皆受到受到COVID-19疫情衝擊,唯獨聲音媒體異軍突起。特別是近幾年興起的Podcast,低製作門檻且方便收聽的特質,讓投入製作及收聽的人口不斷成長,甚至藉由社群的黏著度發展出商業價值,展現聲音經濟的潛力。
Since 2020, all industries have been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, but audio media has risen suddenly. In particular, Podcasts have emerged in recent years. The low production threshold and the convenience of listening have led to a growing number of people who are engaged in production and listening, and even developed commercial value through community bonding, demonstrating the potential of the sound economy.
In order to understand the operation mechanism of this new sound economy, this study analyzed the operation of various players in the industry through qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires, and then analyzed the development of the sound economy as a whole, starting with Podcaster, hosting platforms, advertising agencies, and Podcast users.
The study found that Podcaster who are involved in Podcast production believe that the interaction between Podcast and listeners is poor and advertising revenue is unstable; the hosting platform provides free hosting services for creators, but its own business model is not perfect. Advertising agencies are the biggest driving force behind the realization of sound, playing an important communication bridge between Podcaster and advertisers, making the Podcast industry begin to show a professional division of labor. For users, Podcast has the usefulness, ease of use, and fun of using technology, successfully breaking away from the framework of traditional broadcasting system, attracting a large number of users to listen, but the willingness to pay for subscription is not high.
In conclusion, the Podcast industry is still a developing audio industry, and some of the traditional broadcasting business models cannot meet the characteristics of digital media, but new business models are still being developed. In the future, the relationship between sound media and social media may become closer, making up for the lack of interactivity in Podcasts. |