隨著網際網路的發展,消費者可以有更多管道進行交流溝通,其中社群媒體被廣泛用於發表、創作文字、圖片、音頻、視頻等 內容被稱為用戶生成內容。Z世代為社群使用度最高的族群之一,Z世代是數位原生族群,對於網路十分熟悉、習慣透過社群媒體與人交流,藉由了解Z世代社群行為可以幫助行銷人員發現更契合Z世代的行銷策略。
本研究探討Z世代生成美食內容動機與數位生活型態對生成意 願的影響,本研究採用問卷調查,研究對象為六個月內有透過社群平台生成美食內容的Z世代(1995~2004年出生),研究回收有效問卷402份。以Spss統計軟體執行描述性統計分析、差異分析、相關性、迴歸分析。研究結果發現Z世代生成美食內容動機 與數位生活型態皆對生成意願有正向影響,並且數位生活型態在生成美食動機與意願中有部分中介的效果。
With the development of the Internet, consumers have more channels to com- municate with each other. Social media is widely used to publish and create text, pic- tures, audio, and video content, which is called User-generated Content (UGC). Genera- tion Z is one of the most socially active groups, and they are familiar with the Internet and are used to communicating with others through social media.
This study investigated the influence of motivation and e-lifestyle on the willing- ness to generate food content among Generation Z. This study used questionnaires to survey Generation Z (born in 1995-2004) who generated food content through social media platforms within six months, and 402 valid questionnaires were collected. De- scriptive statistical analysis, analysis of variance, correlation, and regression analysis were performed using Spss statistical software.The results of the study revealed that both the motivation and e-lifestyle of Generation Z had a positive effect on their will- ingness to generate food content, and e-lifestyle had a partial mediating effect on the motivation and willingness to generate food content.
The results of this study are intended as a reference for restaurant operators and social marketers to help promote their business by generating word-of-mouth content through consumers. The study found that the Z generation is also motivated to generate food content by sharing it with their friends in the community.