如今,通過充滿活力的市場和創新技術變得更具競爭力。 在過去的二十年裡,社交媒體的影響不斷升級,社交媒體已經成為世界上很大一部分人口的主要信息來源。 換句話說,社交媒體對人們在各個領域的意見、選擇和信念都有很大的影響。 人們更願意通過社交網絡進行交流,分享他們的產品體驗,並考慮購買一種產品,希望從其他人已經使用過的經驗中學習。 越來越多的人從他們喜歡的社交媒體平台尋求建議,並進一步訪問在線社區以獲取信息。 口碑 (WOM)、社交媒體和在線平台上的評論、買家的評級以及使用影響者的營銷策略是決定購買產品的重要因素。 當人們打算購買特定產品或物品時,他們通常會查看某人給出的評論,這些評論會直接影響給出的評級。 因此,如果評論有負面評論或評分值較低,則肯定會影響其他客戶的購買決定。
本研究採用定量方法研究社交媒體營銷與品牌忠誠度、社交媒體營銷與口碑、社交媒體營銷與購買意願、品牌忠誠度與購買意願、口碑與購買意願之間的相關性。 數據收集時間為2022年10月19日至2022年11月19日,本次調查共有230名受訪者。 研究成果為印度尼西亞的商界人士做出了重要的理論和管理貢獻。 眾所周知,口耳相傳比其他類型的營銷和廣告更有效。 當這種營銷計劃應用於社交媒體平台時,其影響力肯定會增加。 重點應該放在學習如何使用這些平台和建立社交媒體用戶社區上。
Nowadays has become more competitive through dynamic marketplace, and innovative technology. The influence of social media escalation that over the last two decades, social media has advanced into the main source of information for huge percentage of the world’s population. In other words, social media has strong impact on people’s opinions, choice and beliefs on every sectors. People are more willing to communicate through social networks to share their product experiences and considering purchasing a product want to learn from the experiences of others who have already used. More and more people seek for advices from their preference social media platform, and further visiting online communities to obtain information. Word of mouth (WOM), reviews on social media and online platforms, ratings from buyers and marketing strategies using influencers are important factors for someone's decision to buy a product. When people are going to buy a particular product or item, they usually look at reviews which given by someone will directly affect the ratings given. Hence, if the review has a negative comment or the low rating value, then it is certain influencing on other customer’s purchase decision.
This research applied quantitative methods to investigate the correlation between social media marketing and brand loyalty, social media marketing and WOM, social media marketing and purchase intention, brand loyalty and purchase intention and WOM and purchase intention. The period of data collection is since 19 October 2022 to 19 November 2022 which there are 230 respondents this investigation. The results have made substantial theoretical and managerial contributions to business people in Indonesia. Either Word-of-mouth is known to be more effective than other types of marketing and advertising. The impact of this type of marketing plan certainly increases when it is applied on social media platforms. The focus should be on learning how to use these platforms and building a community of social media users.