摘要: | 面對環境威脅日益遽增,與台灣農業發展關係最切的農會,也被迫轉型,改變過往經營模式。台灣的農會是政府與民間的橋樑,為了解農會如何有效導入行動科技至組織中,本研究結合決策實驗室分析法與網路分析程序法,建立農會數位轉型之決策評估架構,作為管理者者規劃經營策略及分配資源之重要參考依據。本研究共建立五大準則及31個要素的決策評估模式,研究結果顯示,農會的經營管理深受政府的法令規範與政策所影響,但農會的資訊化程度,以及所擁有的資源及專業能力,才是導入行動科技之最重要的因素。進一步透過關鍵成功要素之決策矩陣,農會應優先加強資源、作業流程、資源整合、效益、穩定性等五項要素,並考量準則與要素彼此之間的關聯性,確立決策的優先推動順序,提升農會導入創新科技的成功率。
In the face of increasing environmental threats, the farmers' association, which has the closest relationship with Taiwan's agricultural development, has also been forced to transform and change its previous business model. The farmers’ associations serve as the bridge between the government and the people. In order to understand how the farmers’ association can effectively apply mobile technology, this study combined the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to establish a decision evaluation framework for the digital transformation of farmers’ associations, which can be used as an important reference for managers to plan business strategies and allocate resources. This study established a decision evaluation model with five criteria and 31 elements, the results show that, the management of the farmers’ associations is deeply influenced by the government's laws, regulations, and policies, but the informationization, resources, and professional capabilities possessed by the farmers’ associations are the most important factors for introducing mobile technology. Further through the decision-making matrix of key success factors, the farmers’ association should first strengthen the five factors, including resources, operation flow, resource integration, benefit, and stability, and consider the correlation between criteria and elements. Thus, managers can establish the priority order of decision-making to enhance the success rate of introducing innovative science and technology into the farmers’ associations. |