Nowadays, the integration of pension industry and tourism industry is in the ascendant. This study analyzes diverse psychological needs of the elderly based on "ERG" psychological theory. It explores, in two different scenarios of long-term residence in the location of institution and "migrants-style" living environment, whether the psychological needs of the elderly will differ in priority and whether the perception and psychological needs of the elderly towards service items will deviate by applying KANO model, to lay a theoretical foundation for the integration of tourism industry and pension industry.
A total of 298 questionnaires were distributed and 207 were valid. Statistical analysis of SPSS data, qualitative analysis of Kano demand attributes and quantitative analysis of Si and DSI coefficients. Thereinto, regardless of the scenario, the physiological need, respect need and safety need take top priority at all age groups universally. Compared with the scenario of long-term residence in the location of institution, in the scenario of "migrants-style" living environment, the SI coefficient of all items of safety need, family affection need and communication need increase significantly, while the DSI coefficient of all items of the physiological need, family affection needs and value need specific to the elderly decrease significantly. Therefore, it is necessary for relevant workers to allocate resources based on different.