摘要: | 本研究係藉由專家問卷資料結果分析,建立高價值不動產價值評估指標:以FDM(模糊德爾菲法)及ANP(分析網路程序法),系統化專家評估高價值不動產時考量各指標之優先順序,輔以各指標間相依關係,捕捉業界實際使用於市場上之價值評估系統,並依次測試評估指標於整體市場及次市場之不同。第一次實證結果顯示,在一般市場中,影響專家評估高價值不動產價值之變數依序為基地區位、政策法令規章、政治環境、不動產市場價格、代表性地標、基地面積。而從第二次實證結果可知,在以信義計畫區為研究範圍時,影響專家評估高價值不動產價值之變數順序轉變為格局規劃、建設公司、基地區位、建築師、結構建材、物業管理。本研究貢獻係對高價值不動產評估提供一系統化解答及建議。
The nature and the scope of this dissertation are to establish the evaluation indicators of high-value property through the analytical process. By identifying an in-depth understanding of the evaluation of the high-value property, the dissertation aspires to provide a set of systematical solutions and suggestions to the evaluation of the high-value property.
A combination method of FDM (Fuzzy Delphi Method) and ANP (Analytical Network Process) is applied to examine the priorities and dependency when evaluating high-value property in the industry and to investigate the differences among various assets and markets. The analysis shows that in the general market, the sequence of the evaluation indicators is the location of the site, policy and code, political climate, rate of the market, landmark status, and the lot size. In contrast, the evaluation indicators in Xin-Yi Special District are space layout, the developer, location of the site, the architect, structure and materials, and property management.
Recommendations for the domains of private and the public sectors were drawn from the perspectives on expenses and revenue: For the real estate developers, the development budget should be adjusted according to the proposed evaluation indicator system, to maximize the delivered value. The capital ratio of the design fee spent in the total development budget is far less comparing to the acquisition fee; however, the value created is disproportional to the expense. For the public sector, design and planning should be emphasized on public buildings and projects for aesthetic value could raise the economic value of one region, and thus promote the image and create attractive competition of one city globally. |