摘要: | 人類經常透過情感來表達個人與其他事物的關係,而所謂的依附就是在情感表達過程中,寄託在特定對象上的一種狀態 (Giuliani, 2003) ,例如:對人的依附、心靈上的依附、對土地的依附等。其中地方依附又與一般情感依附不同,情感依附指的是人與人之間固定因素的影響,而地方依附則是人與土地(空間)之間多種因素影響,其所涉及的層面更為廣泛。傳統的都市規劃往往僅著重在都市的功能性及合理性,而易忽略居民的感受與對地方的依附。若能在都市規劃設計中,考量人對土地的依附感,強化人與空間的關係,應可創造更適合人居的環境;反之若忽略人的感受,造成對都市的空間不恰當的干預,反而會削弱依附感,使地區的環境品質受到影響。本研究透過文回顧,瞭解地方依附的概念與其對地方發展的重要性,並探討影響地方依附感的形成的因素。其影響因素大致可分為兩類,第一類是對於心靈上情感需求,如:歸屬感、安全感、幸福感等精神狀態;第二類是空間上的互動,社會環境、都市結構、物理環境的變化。最後本研究透過居民深度訪談與問卷調查得知,居民在地方依附的形成上受到都市中的社會環境與物理環境影響。而其中物理環境的品質會比社會關係更具有影響力。
Humans often express their relationships with other things through emotions. Attachment is a state of being placed on a specific object in the process of emotional expression (Giuliani, 2003). For example, attachment to people, attachment to emotions, attachment to place, etc. Among them, place attachment is different from general emotional attachment. Emotional attachment refers to the influence of specific factors between people, while place attachment is the influence of multiple factors between people and land (space), and it involves a wider range of levels. Traditional urban planning often only focuses on the functionality of the city and the rationality of planning and tends to overlook the feelings of residents and their dependence on the place. If we can consider people's attachment to land and strengthen the relationship between people and space in the process of urban planning and design, it should be possible to create a more suitable environment for human settlements. On the contrary, if people’s feelings are ignored, it will cause inappropriate intervention in the urban space, weaken the sense of attachment, and affect the environmental quality of the area. This research uses literature review to understand the concept of place attachment and its importance to development and explores the factors that influence the formation of a sense of place attachment. The influencing factors can be roughly divided into two categories. The first category is the emotional needs of the soul, such as: sense of belonging, security, happiness, and other mental states; the second category is spatial interaction, social environment, urban structure, and physical changes in the environment. Finally, through in-depth interviews with residents and questionnaires, this study found that the formation of residents' place attachment is affected by the social and physical environment in the city. The quality of the physical environment is more influential than the social relationship. |