摘要: | 我國近年來因網路蓬勃發展、支付設備普及加上政府大力推廣等因素,致電子支付成長迅速。據金管會統計,我國電子支付總使用人數於2020年8月首次突破1000萬人次,其後更於2021年10月突破1500萬人次,顯見電子支付已逐漸成為消費者主要使用支付工具之一。於電子支付使用人數不斷成長下,為讓法規與時俱進,立法院於2020年12月25日三讀通過「電子支付機構管理條例」修正草案,將「電子支付機構管理條例」與「電子票證發行管理條例」進行整合,並同步廢止「電子票證發行管理條例」。
In recent years, due to the vigorous development of the Internet, the popularization of payment equipment and the vigorous promotion of the government in my country, electronic payment has grown rapidly. According to the Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C(Taiwan), the total number of users of emerging electronic payment exceeded 10 million for the first time in August 2020. In October 2021, the number of people exceeded 1,500. It is obvious that electronic payment has gradually become one of the payment tools used by consumers.
With the continuous growth of the number of users of electronic payment, in order to keep the laws and regulations abreast of the times, the Legislative Yuan passed the draft amendment to the "The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions" pass the legislation on December 25, 2020. And The “Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards” will be consolidated and will be abolished simultaneously.
However, it remains to be discussed whether this amendment is in line with the current situation of my country's electronic payment industry and in line with international trends. Although the popularity of electronic payment has enabled the transaction mode to break through distance barriers and facilitate commercial circulation, the operation process of electronic payment is the difference between commodity operators and consumers. Through the network and platforms provided by electronic payment providers, the transfer of funds will lead to issues such as supervision mechanism, risk control, consumer rights protection and money laundering prevention.
Based on this, this article first introduces the definition and types of electronic payment institutions and the legal relationship between the parties to the transaction and explains the difference between electronic payment and third-party payment in the current law. Then I will conduct a comparative law analysis on the electronic payment legal systems of R.O.C(Taiwan), the United States, the European and China, hoping to explore whether the current regulatory mechanism and consumer protection system of my country are perfect through the legislative experience of various countries.
Finally, this article will comprehensively evaluate and analyze the current laws and regulations of our country based on the legislative experience of various countries and put forward the direction and suggestions for the amendment of the law. It is hoped that it will be used as a superficial view of the future amendment to improve the legal norms of my country's electronic payment industry. |