摘要: | 文化創意產業是一個由文化藝術內涵、創意、以及產業運作對象所組成的價值鏈,每個層級都有其重要的定位,環環相扣;文化藝術內涵意味著文化創意產業在產品與服務上最深層的藝術價值與美學涵養本質,創意意味著創作者藉由創新的產品與服務設計靈感來傳達藝術價值與美學涵養的本質,而產業運作意味著創作者的產品與服務需要有效的渠道來宣傳並推薦給對追求生活品味與藝術美學意念的藝術市場與潛在消費者。據此,文化藝術內涵、創意、產業運作對象三者之間如何相互建構具經濟規模的價值鏈以建立有效的文化經濟與文化創意產業,係為重要的價值活動構型。
本研究運用美國麻省理工學院(MIT)的系統思考(Systems Thinking)工具分析因果環路圖,來探討文創藝術創作者透過社群經營模式,論述社群媒體數位平台與文創藝術創作者創新經營模式,並探討數位社群創新經營者、藝術創作者、消費者(包含粉絲及關注者)三方之間的關聯性互動。
Cultural and creative industry comprises with the value chain combined with cultures, arts, creations and business, each object possesses its position and links with one and another. Cultures and arts indicate the highest and deepest artistic values and aesthetics of cultural and creative industry in relevant products and services, creation represents the essences of artistic values and aesthetics demonstrated from the design inspiration of product and services, and business shows the effective channel to promote the products and services to those who concern and seek artistic values and aesthetics in their lives. Hence, how to put cultures, arts, creation, and business together and make an economic scale of value chain to build effective cultural and creative industry, is a crucial movement.
In the light of limitations of the performance space and the forms of performance, traditional art markets have been affected by the arising of social media that makes artistic works performing in the alternative space, in which the entity of arts has turned to the digitized entity of arts. Arts creators hence devote in their creations as well as effective endeavor to manage and connect art communities through social media, breaking through the restrictions of traditional art market and synchronizing the performance of art works with the promotion of art creations. The digitized entities of arts furthermore can be seen as the bases of visual arts industry, which are embedded in the research of creator, and the promotion and development of creative works, as well as can be seen as the indicator of the performance of visual arts market.
The study attempts to explore how arts creators takes reciprocal actions in the business model, by utilizing systems thinking and causal loop anapysis. Then to discuss the interactions among innovative operators of arts virtual community, arts creators, and consumers. Based on the designated causal loop diagram, the following critical information, thereafter, are retrieved from the in-depth interview of professionals.
The study found that culture and creative products are various, their values of culture and peculiarity would be highlighted with the applications of design thinking and digital techniques. Hence the development of diversified innovation would be embedded in the organizational development of industry and the maturity of talent cultivation. Through the study, it shows the flouring development of innovative industry is based on the sustainable and innovative ecosystem formed by the business-innovative social media. |