摘要: | 企業績效掛帥,雇主巧立各種給付名目以低底薪高獎金之複雜薪資結構,期透過獎金或福利的名目混淆該給與之法律屬性,尤其我國商業慣行之三節獎金及年終獎金給與,均無非是企業規避相關工資法令規範以降低勞動成本,蓋因獎金之法律性質是否為工資或恩惠性給與之認定,與勞工是否具有該獎金之請求權及納入平均工資計算基礎有緊要連動關係,影響勞工權益甚鉅,因此,對於獎金法律性質之認定原則?乃至於工資的判斷標準,有必要予以釐清。
Enterprise performance is in command. Employers cleverly set up a complex salary structure with low base salary and high bonus in various forms of payment. It is expected to confuse the legal nature of the payment through the name of bonus or welfare, especially the Taiwan's New Year, Dragon Boat, Mid-Autumn Festival's Monetary gift and year-end bonus (hereinafter: monetary gifts and bonuses) given in my country's commercial practice. It is because the company evades the relevant wage laws and regulations to reduce labor costs, because whether the legal nature of the bonus is a salary or a favor is determined, and it is closely related to whether the worker has the right to claim the bonus and is included in the calculation basis of the average wage. Labor rights are huge, so what is the principle for determining the legal nature of bonuses? Even the criteria for judging wages need to be clarified.
According to the definition of wages in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Labor Standards Law, bonuses can also be given as salary attributes. This is the same as the year-end bonus distributed according to the surplus as an element in Article 29 of the Labor Standards Law. Even if there is a contract between the employer and the employee, It is still a kind of favor that is essentially different from it. From this observation, there is a dualistic difference between the legal nature of giving in the name of bonuses under the labor-based law.
This article intends to summarize the academic theories, administrative interpretations, opinions on the definition and determination principles of wages in judicial practice judgments, and interview labor dispute mediators, administrators, and labor unions. We will try to discuss and analyze and hope to sort out objective recognition principles for reference. Monetary gifts and bonuses are recognized as welfare measures in principle, but under certain conditions, they should be determined on the basis of individual facts, such as labor-employer contracts, work rules, announcements, commitments, enterprise Conventions, group agreements, or bonus payment methods, etc., do not necessarily belong to wages, but if the nature of the agreement conforms to the meaning of labor consideration or regular wages, its nature should be wages; otherwise, it is welfare. |