我國政府為因應氣候變遷與非核家園承諾,近年來陸續開啟一系列大型綠能計畫,政府於彰化雲林海岸地區所推動的各項離岸和陸域風機計畫,正是其中典型的案例,這些計畫由於由能源局逕自統籌,僅著重於綠能的大量生產,儘管曾進行過政策環評,但由於風機規劃缺乏長期性生態資料和區位審核原則,在方法上亦純粹以補償漁民取代沿海地區的社會風險評估,但在這些「由上而下」的綠能規劃中,沿海居民和利害相關人的角色長期被排除在政策網絡之外,關於海岸保育和沿海社區衝擊的風險知識未能以系統性的方式進行產出與統合不但引發居民的抗爭,更重要的是可能侵蝕沿海居民社區的海洋願景與永續利基。 本計畫以引發高度爭議的口湖鄉允能離岸風場與20甲地區陸域風場為例,透過「由下而上」的社會風險偵測方法,探索與風電議題的潛在利害關係人參與架構,建立沿海地區的風電社會風險輪廓及其評估方法,以建構台灣海岸帶的永續經營模式。本研究自2020-2021年間陸續在雲林海線地區召開數場座談會邀請在地漁民和地方政府官員參與討論,也在2020-2022年間對業者、在地頭人、口湖漁民、四湖反風車團體、文資審查委員、環評監督小組成員、接受業者委託之研究者進行深入訪談,亦搭配報章雜誌、媒體報導和其他類似主題座談會相關資訊,試圖梳理雲林風機規劃現況及其社會潛在影響。
In order to respond to climate change and nuclear phase-out, Taiwan government has recently launched a series of great-scale green energy projects, with offshore and costal wind energy as the major component. Owing to the long-term exclusion of coastal residents and stakeholders from policy networks in the top-down designation process, the environmental and social risk regarding coastal conservation and social impacts toward adjacent villages were not systematically produced and integrated. Not only may it create social injustice and inefficiency for lacking social congruence, but also may deteriorate the sustainability of coastal communities and therefore conflict the goal of transition. Among them, the numerous offshore and costal wind energy projects in Zhanghua and Yunlin area are the typical cases. Those projects has been dominated by Energy Bureau and mainly emphasized the mass production of green energy. Despite some of them were reviewed by strategic assessment reviews, the social impacts assessment were only replaced by one-standard “compensation” while long-term ecological database and zoning reviews were both absent in the process. Those projects therefore soon aroused protests, and, most important of all, may absorb both the visions of costal development and niches of sustainability among local communities This project will aim on the controversial “Yunneng” offshore wind farm and land-based wind turbines in“ 20 acres” in Kohu costal area and anticipate a collaborative work with other sub-projects during 2020-2022. From inter-disciplinary research to cross-fields personal interactions, this project will adopt “bottom-up” method to explore the frameworks of local stakeholders including key actors from fishery, ecology, recreation, and costal conservation, which may be seriously impacted by wind energy installation. By building a landscape and assessment methods of exploring social impacts brought by wind energy, this projects will help create a long-term framework of assessment toward mega energy projects, and also build a more sustainable and resilient pattern of costal management among coastal communities.