摘要: | 數位行銷是現今網路運用頻繁及資訊爆炸的時代最夯的行銷議題,也是傳統產業面臨轉型的重要課題,現今社群媒體風行、智慧型手機普遍化,幾乎人人一支智慧型手機,如同攜帶著一部行動電腦可以隨時上網搜尋所需要的資訊,也可隨時與社群成員交流互動、分享訊息,故本研究社群媒體以Facebook、Line、Instagram、YouTube為主要範圍,依其屬性分為「開放性」、「封閉性」二大類型,而個人偏好的旅遊形態則以團體旅遊、團體半自助遊、自助旅遊、半自助旅遊依其屬性分為「團體遊」、「自助遊」二大類型。於109月10月12日至109年11月22日透過網路發放問卷調查、蒐集居住於台灣地區居民各方的意見,共回收有效問卷612份。研究發現開放性的社群媒體在「娛樂性、口碑」行銷功能上具有顯著性,封閉性的社群媒體在「互動性、口碑」行銷功能上具有顯著性。其中Line在「互動性」的行銷功能上具有顯著效果,故將圖片與文字發佈於Line的貼文串或群組上是容易曝光並被分享、轉發其他群組成員。在消費者的個人旅遊形態偏好的研究中,發現自助遊在「娛樂性」具有顯著性,而團體遊在「互動性」具有顯著性。故開放性的社群媒體Facebook、YouTube、Instagram可多加利用放置使人放鬆及有趣的圖片、影音進行曝光旅遊景點資訊,藉此推廣行銷「自助遊」旅遊產品,而封閉性的Line因能直接與群組的成員進行互動行為及增進黏著度、分享推薦團體旅遊行程。
Digital marketing is the most pressing marketing topic in the era of frequent Internet use and information explosion. It is also an important issue facing the transformation of traditional industries. Nowadays, social media is popular and smartphones are common. Almost everyone has a smartphone. With a mobile computer, you can search for the information you need on the Internet at any time, and you can also communicate and share information with community members at any time. Therefore, this study focuses on Facebook, Line, Instagram, and YouTube, and divides them according to their attributes. There are two types of "openness" and "closedness", and the travel form of personal preference is divided into "group tour" and "self-guided tour" according to their attributes. Two types. From October 12, 109 to November 22, 109, a questionnaire survey was distributed through the Internet to collect opinions from all residents living in Taiwan, and a total of 612 valid questionnaires were recovered. The study found that open social media has a significant marketing function of "entertainment and word-of-mouth", while closed social media has a significant marketing function of "interactive and word-of-mouth". Among them, Line has a significant effect on the "interactive" marketing function, so posting pictures and texts on Line's post string or group is easy to expose and be shared and forwarded to other group members. In the research on consumers' personal travel preferences, it is found that self-guided travel is significant in "entertainment", while group travel is significant in "interactivity". Therefore, the open social media Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram can use more relaxing and interesting pictures and videos to expose tourist attractions information, thereby promoting and marketing "self-guided travel" tourism products, while the closed Line can directly Interact with members of the group, increase stickiness, and share recommended group travel itineraries . |