摘要: | 2010年5月26日修正公布「個人資料保護法」全文共計56條,條文皆於2012年10月1日正式施行(除第6條、第54條之條文外),主要係為擴大保護客體及普遍適用主體,新增有特種之個人資料、告知義務要求、資料之當事人得拒絕行銷、民刑事相關責任與行政處罰以及團體訴訟等之引進等,用以符合國際立法趨勢且更周全保護民眾之個人隱私,於現今資訊日益發達社會生活之中,全民皆應擁有個人資訊交換、分享之需求,在享受資訊自由利益之同時,應需注意不得侵害他人之隱私權益,所以對於資訊之運用及限制應該有所認識,因此,探究個人資料保護法對於個人資料之運用限制及程度,為本文之目的。
On May 26, 2010, the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law was amended and promulgated with a total of 56 articles, all of which came into effect on October 1, 2012(except for Article 6 and 54). The main purpose of revising these articles is to expand the scope of protection for objects, generally applied to subjects, add special personal information, notify the obligation, requirement, civil and criminal liability, administrative penalties and introduce Class action suit, etc. Otherwise, the parties can refuse marketing. All we mentioned above is to conform the tendency to international legislation. In today’s increasingly information-developed society, all people should have the need to exchange and share personal information. While enjoying the benefits of freedom of information, people should be careful not to infringe on the privacy rights of others and should recognize the use and restriction of information. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the restrictions and extent of the use of Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law.
Firstly, we inquiry legislative situation and law enforcement in Japan, South Africa, the United State, Malaysia, Korea, the European Union, Austria, and other countries and then explore the objects (personal data) and scope of protection. We also analyze the types of personal data and the relationship between personal data protection and relevant laws in our country. Otherwise, we explore the information privacy policy and information self-determination. In addition, how to avoid infringing on the personal rights of personal data owners when data managers collect, process and use personal data, so as to promote the reasonable use of personal data. Finally, rules of the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law from other countries and specifications for assuring the privacy of personal data can be used as the references when legislating in our country.
In chapter 5, the author summarizes the conclusions and make recommendations in the hope that this article will improve readers’ awareness of self-protection of personal data rights and interests, so as to respect the personal data privacy and independent rights of others, as well as to provide suggestions on the advantages of the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law of other countries in terms of their own personal data legal systems and practices, so as to apply and restrict the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law in their own countries, and to be able to properly use the personal data of others in their lives or work. |