摘要: | 在web 4.0發達與新興科技的推波助瀾下,傳統且單一的銷售模式已無法滿足人們的消費需求,企業與商家開始思考轉換經營及行銷模式,線上線下(Online To Offline, O2O)的新興電子商務商業模式應運而生,成為營運主流。本研究以O2O商業模式為背景,在食品安全、飲食健康的商業情境,探討全食物及區塊鏈食品溯源下的消費者行為。研究架構結合了「推敲可能性模型」及「科技接受模型」,從行銷溝通角度,模型中納入中央路徑(即訊息來源)、周圍路徑(即來源可信度)、感知有用性與感知易用性為自變數,消費者行為意圖為因變數,並以社會意識為調節變數,建立七項假說,彌補相關研究不足。
With advances in web 4.0 and emerging technology, traditional linear sales models no longer cater to the need of consumers. As enterprises and merchants start to pursue of a transition in business and marketing, online-to-offline e-commerce business models have sprung up and become mainstream business model. This study sets out to explore consumer behaviors under whole foods and blockchain traceability in the O2O commerce model with food safety and healthy eating commerce context. Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model and the Technology Acceptance Model, the study delves into the marketing and communication aspects with the central route(i.e., Information Quality), peripheral route(Source Credibility), perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use as independent variable, incorporate consumers behavioral intention as the dependent variable and social consciousness as the moderator variable, set up 7 hypotheses to make up for the lack of research in the field.
The results show that the path of hypothesis between information quality, source credibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, behavioral intention, and social consciousness is supported; Only social consciousness had no moderating effect between source credibility and perceived usefulness. The results of this study can serve as references for the industry, consumers, government, and academia. For consumers, they should pay more attention to social trends and accept new technologies; For manufacturers, they should follow two major paths to communicate with consumers and promote new technologies; For relevant government agencies, it is necessary to promote food related technologies and issues and formulate regulations. |