摘要: | 隨著資訊科技時代的來臨,行動支付的推廣逐漸普及化,制定無現金社會的目標已成為未來趨勢。近幾年更多的行動支付服務平台推入台灣市場,在各大平台相互競爭轉變下,零接觸支付服務為人們的生活帶來便利性,使用者可以選擇最有利的交易方式。而在疫情大流行造成各種不確定性的情況下,擔心紙鈔或錢幣等實體交易成為病毒傳染途徑,消費者逐漸改用降低接觸的非現金支付交易,進而增加行動支付的使用率。本研究以科技接受模型(technology acceptance model, TAM)作為基礎,並以性別及血型作為調節變數,探討認知有用性、認知易用性、認知風險、信任程度對創新科技的接受度與滿意度之影響關係,再以此兩構面分析對使用意圖的影響。
With the advent of the information technology era, the promotion of mobile pay-ment has gradually become popular, and the development of a cashless society has become a future trends. In recent years, more mobile payment service platforms have been introduced into the Taiwan market. Under the competition and transformation of major platforms contactless payment services bring convenience to people’s lives, and users can choose the most advantageous transaction method. In the context of various uncertainties caused by the pandemic, consumers worry that physical transactions such as banknotes or coins will become a means of transmission of the virus and gradually switch to non-cash payment methods, there by increasing the utilization rate of mobile payments. This research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). And use the gender and blood type as moderating variables to explore the impact of the previous literature, the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, trust acceptance of innovative technology and satisfaction. Then, how to influence consumers’ use intention.
The research results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust have an impact on acceptance of innovative technology, and all four factors that per-ceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, trust have an impact on satis-faction. In addition, the study tested gender and blood type, and found that both have moderating effects. The research results also show that acceptance of innovative tech-nology and satisfaction have an impact on consumers’ use intention. |