摘要: | 非營利組織經營以其所舉辦的公益活動作為關鍵活動,若該關鍵活動能得到參與者的高度滿意,則可為非營利組織後續營運帶來績效。然而,過去文獻較少探討達成公益活動(關鍵活動)滿意度之前因,以及公益活動(關鍵活動)滿意度如何影響後續參與意願。親職講座是台灣適性發展促進會的關鍵活動,透過親職講座來增加大眾對該協會的認識與認同,並透過此親職講座引起參與者,參加後續台灣適性發展促進會所舉辦的各樣活動。因此,本研究以非營利組織之公益活動(親職講座)的滿意度為研究主題,並以社團法人台灣適性發展促進會為研究標的。
The operation of a non-profit organization is based on the public welfare activities it organizes as a key activity. If this key activity can be highly satisfied by the participants, it can bring performance to the non-profit organization's subsequent operations. However, the literature in the past has rarely explored the antecedents of achieving satisfaction with pub-lic welfare activities (key activities), and how satisfaction with public welfare activities (key activities) affects subsequent participation intentions. Parenting seminars are a key ac-tivity of the Taiwan Developmentally Appropriate Practice College (TDAP). Through par-enting seminars, the public's awareness and recognition of TDAP can be increased, and through this parenting seminar, participants can be attracted to participate in various activi-ties organized by TDAP. Therefore, this study takes the satisfaction of non-profit organiza-tions' public welfare activities (Parenting seminars) as the research theme, and takes the Taiwan Developmentally Appropriate Practice College as the research object.
Since parenting seminars are a key activity, what factors influence satisfaction after attending parenting seminars? If see Parenting seminars to be a process of consumer expe-rience. Then from the perspective of interaction theory, researchers identify three important factors that affect satisfaction after participating in experience activities, interpersonal rela-tionships, word-of-mouth and similarity. And through interviews with participating in par-enting seminars, it was found that two other factors (the degree of improvement of chil-dren and the ability of parents to control emotions) will affect the willingness to participate in the activities of TDAP in the future. In this study, the interaction theory is used to construct this research model. Interpersonal relationships, word of mouth and similarity positively affect parenting seminar satisfaction, and parenting seminar satisfaction posi-tively affects the willingness to participate in the activities of TDAP in the future. The de-gree of improvement of the child will interfere with the willingness to participate in par-enting seminars and the activities of TDAP in the future.
This study adopted a two-stage research design. In the first stage, a qualitative re-search in-depth interview was conducted to explore what factors would affect the satisfaction of participating in parenting seminars and subsequent participation willingness. In the second stage, a confirmatory research model was carried out, and an electronic questionnaire (Google form) was distributed to parents who had attended parenting semi-nars. A total of 181 valid samples were obtained, and path analysis was used to verify the hypothesis.
The research results show that word of mouth and similarity will positively affect the satisfaction of parenting seminars, and the satisfaction of parenting seminars will positively affect the willingness to participate in the activities of TDAP in the future. Parents' emo-tional control will positively interfere with the improvement of parent-child relationship, the satisfaction of parenting seminars and the willingness to participate in the activities of TDAP in the future.
Ket words:non-profit organizations、 parenting seminars、interaction theory. |