近代研究發現高正念傾向的人在各種條件下運動任務上表現更好,但尚不清楚在壓力下執行或使用不同類型的自我對話來處理不同的運動任務時,正念傾向和表現是否相關。在本研究中,46名具有高正念 (n = 23) 和低正念 (n = 23) 的男性參與者 (Mage = 21.4,SD = 1.72 歲) 在壓力和非壓力條件下,使用指導性和無相關的自我對話從事雙手協調和投擲飛鏢動作。首先,在雙手協調任務中,以三因子混合設計的變異數分析發現:(1) 顯著的三因子交互作用:特別是在壓力狀態下,低正念傾向使用無相關的自我對話時表現明顯較差。(2) 無論是在壓力下還是在沒有壓力的情況下,高正念參與者和低正念參與者使用指導性自我對話時表現都顯著提高。其次,在投擲飛鏢任務中,正念與自我對話產生交互作用,不管高或低正念參與者使用指導性自我對話時表現更好;並且壓力與自我對話交互作用,此及,使用指導性自我對話的參與者在壓力和非壓力條件的兩種情況下表現都很好。本研究結論指出指導性自我對話是一種有用的認知策略,尤其是在壓力條件下,無論正念傾向如何,它的有效性擴展到兩種不同的運動任務。本研究以注意力理論、自我對話和運動控制的理論討論它的意義;本研究亦針對研究的限制、實際應用、未來研究建議進行討論。
High mindfulness individuals have been found to perform better on motor tasks under various conditions, but it is unknown whether mindfulness and performance relate when performing under pressure or using different types of self-talk with different motor tasks. In this study, 46 male participants (Mage = 21.4, SD = 1.72 years) with high mindfulness (n = 23) and low mindfulness (n = 23) performed dart-throwing and twohand coordination tasks under pressure and non-pressure conditions and when using instructional and unrelated self-talk. First, on the two-hand coordination task, a threeway mixed ANOVA found: (a) a significant 3-way interaction in which a significantly poorer performance occurred under pressure (vs. without pressure), with low (vs. high) mindfulness and when using unrelated (vs. instructional) self-talk and (b) a significant interaction in which, both under pressure and not, both high and low mindfulness participants performed comparably when using instructional (vs. unrelated) self-talk. Second, on the dart-throwing task, mindfulness interacted with self-talk such that both high and low mindfulness participants performed better when using instructional self-talk, and pressure interacted with self-talk such that participants using instructional (vs. unrelated) self-talk performed better in both pressure and nonpressure conditions. We concluded that instructional self-talk was a useful cognitive strategy, perhaps particularly in pressure conditions and regardless of the degree of mindfulness, and its effectiveness extended to two different motor tasks. We discussed the theoretical implications of these findings, in terms of attention theory, self-talk, and motor control; and we highlighted our study’s limitations and practical applications and gave recommendations for future research.