傳遞訊息是廣告最主要的目的。透過新奇有趣的廣告能夠吸引大眾主動觀看。過去研究已知擴增實境廣告能有效提升廣告態度,因其能同時觀看虛擬物體和真實世界的特色,使得使用者會更投入其中,並願意花費心力與廣告互動。因此本研究以行動廣告與體驗行銷為理論基礎,並整理過往研究曾提出的互動性、遠距臨場感對廣告態度與購買行為意圖進行分析,綜合探討構面在消費者所觀看的擴增實境廣告對於廣告態度與購買意圖是否能造成影響。 本研究採用實驗法,以現有的擴增實境APP為載體,以The IKEA Place為操作APP針對學生為主要實驗對象進行調查。本研究採用迴歸檢測此架構,分析結果指出使用者在擴增實境廣告中的互動性有助於提升遠距臨場感,且遠距臨場感與互動性皆有助於提升消費者的廣告態度進行提升購買意圖。本研究的結果也提供廣告業者應用擴增實境廣告時的學術見解,引導廣告業者對於擴增實境廣告的設計,期能有效提升消費者的廣告態度。
Communication is the primary purpose of advertising. Through novel and exciting ways such as augmented reality(AR) to display advertising would attract people to watch. Previous studies showed that AR is an excellent way to promote ad attitude in marketing because it can integrate the virtual and reality and makes people immerse themselves in the advertising. Thus, this study aims to examine the relationship between interactions, distance presences, ad attitude, and the purchase intention of AR advertisements based on the experience theory. This study adopted an experimental study and regression analyses to test the study model. The study object is the IKEA Place app, and samples were asked to use this app before filling up the questionnaire. Results showed that the interaction would positively contribute to the distance presence, and the distance presence and interaction would positively impact the attitude and purchase intention. The study result will be good for further studies and the advertising industry.