摘要: | 新冠肺炎的出現是電⼦商務的催化劑,導致電⼦商務平臺的競爭更趨激烈。雖然⼤多數電商平臺都加⼊節慶元素作為吸引客⼾的⾏銷策略之⼀,但以往的研究普遍忽視了線上節慶活動品質和消費者對節慶的涉⼊程度對消費者⾏為的影響。因此,本研究旨在探討線上節慶促銷活動中的節慶品質(包括網絡氛圍品質、感知娛樂品質、資訊品質、系統品質)、情緒反應(愉悅和喚醒)、消費者衝動性購買和節慶涉⼊之間的關係。並借鑒認知情緒理論為本研究之基礎。為了實現這⼀⽬標並檢驗假設,本研究利⽤ AMOS 建⽴結構⽅程模型。並採取問卷調查法,進⾏便利抽樣。本次研究共回收有效問卷338 份,並透過338 名有參與線上節慶⾏銷活動經驗的消費者進⾏假說驗證。本次模型分別透過信度收斂效度和區別效度來評估和測量。結果表明,感知娛樂品質、資訊品質和系統品質對消費者的愉悅情緒有正向且顯著的影響。此外,網絡氛圍品質、感知娛樂品質和系統品質對消費者的喚醒情緒也有正向且顯著的影響,進⽽顯著正向影響消費者的衝動性購買。值得注意的是,消費者的節慶涉⼊會加強網絡氛圍品質和感知娛樂品質對愉悅情緒之間的影響。並且,本研究發現感知娛樂品質對情緒有較⼤的影響。因此,策劃者應考慮在舉辦線上節慶活動時加⼊有趣和刺激的遊戲並打造⼀個具有吸引⼒的線上節慶氛圍去刺激消費者進⾏衝動性購買。最後,本研究結果希望能為電⼦商務平臺的⾏管理策略做出貢獻,並有助於更好地分配資源,讓平臺合理規劃線上節慶⾏銷活動,讓活動達到更⾼的成本效益。
Covid-19 has had a tremendous impact on industries worldwide;Nevertheless, it is the catalyst for e-commerce. With the increasingly fierce competition in the online shopping market, various e-commerce shopping platforms have combined the festival or particular date with shopping promotion activities. Although most of the merchants haveadded festival elements as one of the selling points, previous studies generally ignored the online festival activities' quality and festival involvement.Therefore, the purpose of this study aims to explore the relationships between online festival quality (web atmosphere quality, entertainment quality, information quality, system quality), consumers’ emotions (pleasure and arousal), consumers' impulse buying, and festival involvement in an online festival activity context. Drawing uponcognitive emotion theory. To achieve this object and prove the hypothesis,a structural equation model was established by AMOS. The modelwas tested using survey data from 338 customers who had experiencewith an online festival marketing activity. We assessed the measurement model by reliability, convergent, and discriminant validities, respectively.The results show that the perceived entertainment quality,information quality, and system quality significantly and positively affectconsumers’ pleasure emotions. Furthermore, the web atmosphere quality, perceived entertainment quality, and system quality significantly and positively affect consumers’ arousal emotion and in turn, significantly and positively affect consumers' impulse buying. It is noteworthy that festival involvement has a moderating effect on the relationships between web atmosphere and perceived entertainment quality with pleasure emotion. Therefore, to stimulate impulsive buying, platform marketers should consider adding interesting and exciting games and creating an attractive web festival atmosphere. Finally, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the operation and management strategy of e-platforms and help better allocate resources, to ensure cost-effectiveness. |