The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between organization’s promotion policy which employees perceive (based on seniority or performance) and job involvement, and to examine whether human resource management system has the moderating effect between these two variables. It takes Taiwanese companies and American companies in Taiwan as research examples.
Data is collected from full-time employees in service industry who have at least 3 year work experience. 510 valid data are received from 1000 questionnaires, and the effective recovery rate is 51%..
This research found that Taiwanese firms change promotion policy from seniority-based into performance-based and use more active job involvement approach, which make them more competitive in the future. American firms in Taiwan, according to Taylor’s theory, employees gain promotion and bonus based on working results and speed, which make employee appraisal, morale boosting and job involvement more effective. Taiwanese firms could learn from them. Finally, the management insights are discussed, and several directions are recommended for future research.