摘要: | 中共在海外設立軍事基地,是中共領導人習近平時期「遠海防衛」戰略的一環,其涉及解放軍在21世紀的新任務,維護國家海外利益與安全。而中共於2017年8月1日在吉布地成立海外首座後勤軍事基地,是讓共軍從「近海防禦」朝向「遠海防衛」重要關鍵。關鍵的存在,使得軍事力量支撐中共地區經貿發展與安全。並以吉布地為中心,向東印度洋、向北地中海、西南大西洋,將馬漢所稱「海洋的使用」海運、生產、市場與「軍民兩用」基地的結合。
The establishment of military bases overseas by the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) is the foundation of the strategy of "far seas defense" during Chinese leader Xi Jinping on the position. It involves the PLA's new tasks in the 21st century to safeguard the country's overseas interests and security. On August 1, 2017, the CCP established the first overseas logistic military base in Djibouti, which is the turing point for the CCP army from "near seas defense" to "far sea defense". The existence of joint points enable military forces to support the economic and trade development and security of the CCP region. And with Djibouti as the center, to the east Indian Ocean, north to the Mediterranean Sea, and southwest Atlantic Ocean, to combine what Mahan called "the use of the ocean" for shipping, production, and marketing with "dual-use military and civilian" bases.
Since the nature of the CCP’s military base in Djibouti is logistical support and uses the military logistic system to support overseas troops, its command and control is based on the principle of “under the military commission, the battle in the theater, and the construction of the military service”. It is under the supervision of the "Installation Support Sub-Domain Center" and "The Theater Joint Logistics Support Center". Under the Xi Jinping instructions, as a Chairman of the Central Military Commission in 2021, "strive to build all logistics for war" and move towards the mobile and rapid supply of the US military far seas logistic forces.
Although, the current nature and naming of the logistic base follow the example of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, to support the logistic supply of overseas troops, and to assist in supplying supplies and oil and water to the naval escort fleet in the Gulf of Aden and the African peacekeeping force. In the future, as the CCP's overseas interests continue to expand, the logistics of the existing bases and the troops stationed in the region will not be enough to defend the CCP's overseas investment and various security in Africa, the Middle East and other regions. At this time, it is possible for the CCP to expand the construction of the logistic base in Djibouti by taking advantage of the establishment of military bases in Djibouti by countries, the bilateral economic and trade interests of China and Djibouti, and the consent of the sovereign state of Djibouti, etc. base development.
As for other Western countries, they are worried that the CCP will set up "overseas bases" in important sea routes such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The CCP will mainly invest in local "international commercial ports", "container terminals" and "free trade zones", and occasionally it adopts a technical port call mode through diplomatic means, and provides temporary logistical supply tasks for Chinese naval vessels. Unless the CCP can enable the host country to eliminate the diplomatic interference of military alliances dominated by the United States, domestic constitutional restrictions and other restrictions, can it continue to establish overseas military bases similar to the Djibouti model in a second country. |