第三章介紹西洋和東方美術史近現代相關畫貓畫家,包括巴爾杜斯(Balthus)及日本畫家山本修(Shu Yamamoto)。
To me, the cat is not only a source of inspiration, but also a part of my life experience . Thus, I have used the cat as the creative theme for this thesis to explore the deeper meaning of drawing from different aspects. The goal is to creat a personal creative style and context.
The thesis is divided into five chapters, a total of thirteen sections,The content of this thesis is as follows:
Chapter one describes the research motivation, purpose, research methodology and research scope , explanation of terms of this article.
Chapter two introduces the historical evolution and legend of cats, and writers and artists how to express their idea about cat’s image .
Chapter three explores representative cat related painters in Western and Eastern Arts, including Balthus and Shu Yamamoto.
Chapter four is the analysis of the author’s work and thought,content and form of self creation.
Finally, chapter five is the conclusion, I hope to use a combination of colored pencils and realistic animal drawings to demonstrate its uniqueness. Drawing cats is my life work and something that I have always worked towards.