摘要: | 本研究主要目的在探討大專院校棒球一般組訓練滿意度之情形。研究者針 對 110 學年度大專院校棒球一般組之教練領導、場地設備、肌力訓練、個人表 現、團體訓練等五個構面進行滿意度調查。共發放並回收問卷 219 份 (100%), 剔除無效問卷 3 份,有效問卷為 216 份 (98%),研究結果顯示:一、樣本主要 為大學一年級和三年級 (48.6%),守備位置多為內野手 (36.6%),私立學校偏 多 (51.9%),50.5%的受試者為沒有公開組的學校;二、受試者對於訓練之整 體滿意度達中等程度,其中對「教練領導」滿意程度最高,「場地設備」滿意 程度最低;三、在不同個人基本資料之整體訓練滿意度,台北海洋科技大學的 球員最高,台北科技大學的球員最低;私立學校的球員最高,公立學校的球員 最低;有公開組棒球隊的學校球員最高,沒有公開組棒球隊的學校球員最低; 大學部延畢的球員最高,碩、博士班的球員最低;投手最高,捕手最低;四、 在不同守備位置的球員對不同構面之訓練滿意度皆呈現無顯著差異,不同學校 的球員在「教練領導」有顯著差異,北市大、海院、輔大滿意程度顯著高於北 科,海院滿意程度顯著高於真理;在「場地設備」有顯著差異,北市大、銘傳、 北醫、臺師、北護、政大、海院、輔大滿意程度顯著高於北科;北市大,海院 滿意程度顯著高於真理,在「肌力訓練」有顯著差異北市大、海院、輔大滿意 程度顯著高於北科;北市大、海院滿意程度顯著高於真理,在「團體訓練」有顯 著差異海院滿意程度顯著高於北科,不同公私立學校的球員在「教練領導」、 「團體訓練」則有顯著差異,不同有無公開組棒球隊學校的球員在「教練領導」、
「場地設備」、「肌力訓練」、「個人表現」、「團體訓練」皆有顯著差異,不同年級的球員在「肌力訓練」有顯著差異,一年級的球員滿意程度顯著碩、 博士班的球員。最後,本研究建議未來各個大專院校可透過下列方式提高選手 滿意度:提供良好訓練場地及設備、提供更多資源以及金費、聘請專業教練練 指導、提升肌力訓練資源及專業知識、幫助投手們有更好訓練資源。
The purpose of this study is to explore the training satisfaction of division III
Collegiate Baseball. The researchers conducted a satisfaction survey on five aspects of the general baseball group in the 2022 academic year, including coaching leadership, field equipment, muscle strength training, individual performance, and group training. A total of 219 questionnaires (100%) were distributed and returned, excluding 3 invalid questionnaires, 216 valid questionnaires (98%). The results of the study showed: 1. The samples were mainly freshmen and juniors (48.6%), most of them were infielders (36.6%), more private schools (51.9%), and 50.5% of the subjects were in the no-open group. school; 2. The subjects' overall satisfaction with training was at a moderate level with the highest satisfaction with "coaching and leadership" and the lowest satisfaction with "field equipment"; 3. Overall training satisfaction in different personal basic data, TUMT has the highest players and NTUT the lowest; private schools have the highest players and public schools have the lowest players; schools with an open baseball team have the highest players, and schools without an open baseball team have the lowest players; The highest number of players, the lowest in the master and doctoral classes; the highest in pitchers and the lowest in catchers; 4. Players in different defensive positions showed no significant difference in training satisfaction in different aspects. Players from different schools had significant differences in "coach leadership". The satisfaction
level of UT, TUMT, and FJCU was significantly higher than that of NTUT. thesatisfaction level of the TUMT is significantly higher than that of the AU; there are significant differences in "site equipment", and the satisfaction levels of UT, MCU, TMU, NTNU, NTCN, NCCU, TUMT, and FJCU are significantly higher than those of NTUT. the satisfaction level of the UT, TUMT is significantly higher than that of the AU. there is a significant difference in "muscle strength training". The satisfaction level of UT, TUMT, and FJCU is significantly higher than that of NTUT, and the satisfaction degree of UT and TUMT is significantly higher than that of AU. There is a significant difference in "group training". The satisfaction level of TUMT is significantly higher than NTUT. Players from different public and private schools have significant differences in "coaching leadership" and "group training". Players from different schools with or without an open baseball team have significant differences in "coaching leadership", "field equipment", "strength training", "individual performance". There are significant differences in "group training" and "group training". Players of different grades have significant differences in "muscle strength training". The satisfaction level of first-year players is significantly higher than that of players in the master's and doctoral classes. Finally, this research suggests that in the future, colleges and universities can improve player satisfaction through the following methods: providing good training venues and equipment, providing more resources and financial fees, hiring professional coaches for training guidance, improving muscle strength training resources and professional knowledge, and helping Pitchers have better training resources. |