摘要: | 我國預計於2026年達到超高齡社會(老年人口大於20%程度)。隨著老年人口快速成長,慢性病、功能障礙、失能人口數也快速成長,加上少子化,據統計(2022)台灣家戶平均人口數僅2.59人,老人照顧已不在是家庭責任漸漸移轉至社會責任。過去因《老人福利法》規定私立營利之住宿機構必須在49床以下。在營利趨使此類型機構佔服務總量之87 %(2018),經過這麼多年私立小型長照機構的服務品質,仍為民眾詬病,但在需求面大於供給面的局勢,長輩安置安養或養護機構成為「不得不」的糾結選擇時,實非國人之福。本研究採用個案研究及質性研究法,以新北市某機構為例,針對目前普遍存在的問題,探討小型長照機構的營運關鍵影響因素,本研究目的:1. 分析私立小型機構經營之現況及問題。2. 私立小型機構經營關鍵影響因素。本研究發現,透過具備工作力的專業人才,了解顧客特性需求,調整環境設施、重新設計照護程序。解決照服員過勞並提升工作技能,凡事做在預防,改革照護文化。一樣的人力。從事情做不完事,到可以有充分時間陪伴互動、增加自力支援。並發現較佳的臨床品質有較低成本與相關文獻論述相同,消費者願意為較佳品質付費與相關文獻論點相同。
With the social changes and the progress of medical and health care in Taiwan. Since 2018, it has entered an aging society, and It is expected to reach a super-aged society (more than 20% of the elderly population) in 2026 (four years later). With the rapid growth of the elderly population, the number of people with chronic diseases, functional disabilities and disabilities is also increasing rapidly growing up, in a addition with the declining birthrate, according to statistics (2022), the average household population in Taiwan is only 2.59, care for the elderly is no longer a family responsibility and gradually shifted to a social responsibility. In the past due to “Elderly Welfare Act” stipulates that private and profitable accommodation must have less than 49 .Regulate the private for-profit lodging establishments must have less than 49. In the for-profit make this type of institution account for 87% of total services (2018). After so many years of service quality of small private long-term care institutions, still criticized by the people, But in a situation where the demand side is greater than the supply side, When the elders' placement in nursing or maintenance institutions becomes a difficult choice of "have to", It is not a blessing for the people of the country. This research adopts case study and qualitative research methods. Taking an institution in New Taipei City as an example, At present, the common problems, discuss the key factors affecting the opera-tion of small long-term care institutions, The purpose of this study: 1. To analyze the current situation and problems of the operation of small private institutions. 2. Key factors influencing the operation of small private institutions。This research finds that through Professional talents with working ability, understanding the According to the specific needs of customers, adjust environmental facilities and redesign the care program. Solve the overworked attendant and improve work skills, do everything in prevention, and reform care culture. the same manpower. from things can't finish become that you can have enough time to accompany and interact and add restorative care. and found better
The clinical quality has a lower cost as discussed in the relevant literature, and consumers are willing to pay for the better quality. It is the same as the related literature. |