摘要: | “Trust” must be an essential factor to predict purchase intention. Customer’s trust indicates that he or she wants to believe despite uncertainty concerning. In the virtual world, the two extremes, comprehensive knowledge, and total ignorance, “Trust” should be in between. Indian users do not trust some websites because they may reveal his/her personal information and credit card details. However, numerous studies related to trust have been discussed, the research aiming to explore Indian consumer’s online shopping intention remains insufficient relatively. On the other hand, Indian customers are known for their high enjoyment whenever they conduct online shopping, such as discount coupon vouchers, easy interface, live chat, etc. Therefore, “Enjoyment” should play a significant role in influencing the intention to use new technologies or applications.
Based on the elaboration mentioned above, perceived trust and enjoyment should be two essential antecedents to predict consumer’s purchase intention in online shopping. With the more profound rise of online technology for convenience, traditional grocery shopping has been changed significantly in India. However, researchers have paid little attention to investigate the factors that may substantially and positively influence the intention to use online shopping devices for Indian consumers. As a result, this study examines a research framework extended purposely from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with the two more variables mentioned above, Trust and Enjoyment, attempting to explore the intention to use online grocery shopping applications within the Indian context. Based on the quantitative research method, 353 online Indian consumers have effectively given their opinions to this research. The results show that for Indian consumers, perceived ease of use, usefulness, trust, and enjoyment are vital variables that significantly influence intention to use towards online grocery shopping.
Moreover, the two new variables added in this framework, trust and enjoyment, exert the most substantial impact on attitude and then through attitude to influence intention to use indirectly. In other words, this research has successfully extended the TAM framework by the two new variables. In conclusion, the findings have substantially made theoretical and managerial contributions both to the policymakers and website developers of the online shopping industry within the Indian context. For future studies, a qualitative method might be considered, such as successful cases. For further quantitative research, more factors related to service quality, customer relationship management (CRM), consumer satisfaction, and loyalty should be included for exploring to gain profound knowledge to learn more about the context of online grocery shopping in India. |