Crowdfunding is a new way of microfinancing, based on small contributions to jointly support initiatives proposed by other people in their role as entrepreneurs. Alt-hough reward-based crowdfunding projects have experienced high growth in recent years, it is necessary to emphasize that not all the campaigns have success. Under these circumstances, the aim of the study was to identify the influence of two potential funders’ motivations (project attachment and business viability) on their behavioral intentions (the intention to fund a crowdfunding project, and the intention to spread electronic word-of-mouth about it). The mediating effects of “trust” were also exam-ined. Trust has been claimed as a major deterrent to an individual becoming a funder; however, the literature lacks empirical evidence.
With this aim, this paper simulates a crowdfunding project and collects 379 survey responses about it. Part of hypotheses proposed in this study are supported. Fundraisers are more willing to spread out eWOM as the viability of crowdfunding project is higher. Fundraisers are more willing to spread out eWOM as they are more dependent on the crowdfunding project. Fundraisers' behavioral intentions will become higher as the viability of crowdfunding project is higher. Fundraisers' behavioral in-tentions will become higher as they are more dependent on the crowdfunding project. Research conclusions can provide management implications for trader and fundraiser.