摘要: | 目的:競技排球的特性主要以快速且短時間的高強度運動,搭配低強度運動 和短暫的休息時間,優秀排球選手進行長期的訓練和比賽,透過長期監控內外部 負荷因子,是避免過度訓練的重要方法。本研究目的為針對大學公開一級男子排 球選手在一個賽季中,量化內部及外部訓練負荷,比較不同訓練期及不同位置球 員內外部訓練負荷的差異,並量化比賽時的跳躍負荷。方法:以 14 位優秀大學 男子排球員為對象,身高 181.2 ± 5.4 公分,體重 70.8 ± 5.9 公斤,共進行 29 週 的監控,依賽季分為四個階段:準備期 1、比賽期 1、準備期 2、比賽期 2,使用 訓練衝量 (sessionratingsofperceivedexertion,sRPE)量化內部訓練負荷,使用 穿戴式裝置 VERT 量化外部訓練負荷,並以 VERT 記錄不同強度比賽。依據 sRPE 計算每週訓練量,再計算訓練同質性、訓練張力、短期與長期訓練負荷比率等指 標,並在賽季前後進行體能測試,包含反動作跳、負重垂直跳、攻擊跳、反應測 試、握力測試、505 敏捷測試。結果:比賽期 1 的週平均跳躍次數顯著高於準備 期1 (p<.001)、準備期2(p<.001)、比賽期2(p<.001);比賽期2 週訓 練量顯著高於比賽期 1 (p = .001),週跳躍次數與週訓練量呈顯著正相關 (ρ = .477, p < .001),跳躍高度則與跳躍次數呈顯著負相關(ρ = -.089, p = .006)。 體能測試結果,攻擊跳與反應測試賽季末顯著優於賽季前(p = .003, p = .004), 而攻擊、攔中、舉球位置之球員則無顯著差異。結論:跳躍次數增加使得內部負 荷同時增加,利用 VERT 可以監控垂直跳高度與次數評估訓練量,以避免過度訓 練,同時體能測試的攻擊跳高度與反應敏捷測試在完整賽季後顯著進步,顯示透 過監控內外部負荷可以有效掌握選手狀態。
Purpose: Competitive volleyball combines repeated short-term high-intensity
exercise with brief low-intensity periods. Elite volleyball players usually undergo long- term training and competition. Monitoring training internal and external load is an important method to prevent overtraining. Methods: Fourteen Division I male collegiate volleyball players participated in this study. The height was 181.2 ± 5.4 cm and the weight was 70.8 ± 5.9 kg. The 29-week competitive season is divided into preparation period 1, competition period 1, preparation period 2, and competition period 2. Session ratings of perceived exertion (sRPE) was used to quantify the internal load while the wearable device VERT was used quantify the external load. VERT was also used to quantify the number and average height of jumps in competitions. sRPE was used to calculate weekly training load, training monotony, training strain, and acute chronic workload ratio. Physical tests, including countermovement jump, loaded countermovement jump, attack jump, reactive agility, grip strength, and 505 agility test, were performed before and after the season. Nonparametric methods were used for statistical analysis. Results: Average number of jumps was significantly higher in competition period 1 compared to preparation periods 1 and 2 and competition period 2 (all p < .001). Weekly training load was significantly higher in competition period 2 compared with competition period 1 (p = .001). Weekly number of jumps was positively correlated with weekly training load (ρ = .477,p < .001) while negatively correlated with average jump height (ρ = -.089,p = .006). The performance in attack jump and reactive agility was significantly better after the season (p=.003, p=.004, respectively). The performance in physical tests was not significantly different among attackers, blockers, and setters. Conclusion: The increase in number of jumps elicited higher internal training load. VERT is an effective method to monitor average height and number of jumps during training and competition. Physical tests such as attach jumps and reactive agility can be used to monitor the performance in volleyball players. |