本研究主題為零起點華語聲調糾錯策略之課室研究。研究旨在探討教師運用的糾錯回饋策略在課堂上對學中文為二語學生聲調偏誤修正的影響。本研究運用Lyster and Ranta (1997)的「明確糾錯」、「重述」、「請求澄清」、「元語言回饋」、「引導」以及「重複」等六種糾錯回饋策略來分析糾錯的應用。研究方法上,除了觀察8週課堂28小時的錄像外,期末由深度訪談教師語9名的學生,得知學生對課堂中教師糾錯行爲對他們的影響。
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of error correction feedback strategies used by the teacher on the correction of learners' tone errors in a beginning Teaching Chinese as a Second language classroom. The data consisted of 28 hours of video footage of classroom teaching covering a class consisted of 2 hours per week for 8 weeks, and then transcribed and analyzed. In addition, 9 learners were interviewed in depth at the end of the semester to learn the impact of the teacher' error correction behavior on learners during the course.
This study uses ‘explicit error correction’, ‘recast’, ‘request for clarification’, ‘meta-language feedback’, ‘elicitation’ and ‘repetition’ suggested by Lyster and Ranta (1997) to analyze the application of error correction during the course. This study found that the proportion of the teacher using more than one type of error correction feedback for error correction is relatively high. In particular, the teacher's tone of voice, gesture height, facial expression changes and other ‘non-verbal’ body movements during error correction feedback are more frequent. Though the ‘recast’ strategy was also found to be one of the frequently used strategies by the teacher, the research also found that the application of the ‘recast’ error correction strategy alone did not achieve the goal of learners successfully repairing their tone errors. Only after combining it with other strategies and in particular the ‘non-verbal’ error correction feedback strategy, did the learners effectively achieved the goal of tone repair. It is hoped that this study can contribute to the correction of tone errors in Chinese classroom.