本研究在探討介入動機式自我對話、指導式自我對話與無相關對話,三種不同自我對話內容對棒球運動表現之影響。棒球員在場上除了需要戰術、體能、技術之外,良好的心理技能也極其重要,自我對話介入提升心理層面能讓運動員在比賽中有較佳的運動表現。研究參與者以臺中市某大專甲組棒球隊44位球員 (平均年齡19.76 ± 1.10歲) 為對象,執行棒球擲準和擲遠表現於動機式自我對話、指導式自我對話與無相關對話,三種自我對話情境進行測驗。本研究為了達到研究效果,介入自我對話為期四週,第一週、自我對話教學; 第二至三週、自我對話介入棒球擲準與擲遠練習; 第四週、正式測驗。以描述性統計分析平均數、標準差,建立資料與檢測數據。利用相依樣本重複量數 (repeated measures) 比較進行分析,根據研究結果顯示,自我對話對棒球擲遠未達顯著。在棒球擲準實驗中則達顯著效果,事後比較顯示動機式與指導式自我對話優於無相關對話。建議未來在進行自我對話研究時,可以將情境設定在比賽期,與平時練習不同之情境進行實驗,球員在比賽當下所產生的情緒、焦慮或是壓力等身心的變化,可能會產生不一樣的結果。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of intervention motivational self-talk, instructional self-talk, and unrelated self-talk, three different types of self-talk content on baseball performance. In addition to tactics, physical fitness and technology, good psychological skills are also extremely important for baseball players on the field. The participants of the study took 44 players (average age 19.76 ± 1.10 years) of a college baseball team in Taichung City as the subjects. The performance of the baseball accurate and the distance was tested in three self-talk situations: motivational self-talk, instructional self-talk and unrelated self-talk. In order to achieve the research effect, this study involved self-talk for four weeks. The first week, self-talk teaching; the second to third weeks, self-talk was involved in three-by-three grid pitching and baseball throwing distance practice; the fourth week, formal test. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the mean and standard deviation to establish data and test data. Based on the results of the study, the effect of self-talk on baseball throwing is far from significant. In the baseball accurate throw experiment, it achieved significant results, and the post comparison showed that motivational and instructional self-talk was better than unrelated self-talk. It is suggested that in the future, when conducting self-talk research, the situation can be set during the game, and the experiment can be conducted in a different situation from the usual practice. The physical and mental changes such as emotion, anxiety or pressure produced by players at the moment of the game may produce different results.