本研究目的為使用固態反應法技術合成具有鈣鈦礦型結構的氧化釔及氧化鐿共摻雜鈰鋯酸鋇(BCZYYb)材料,並與具有螢石型結構的氧化釔安定化氧化鋯(YSZ)材料製備具有雙相結構的離子導體複合材,使該複合材同時具有質子傳導與氧離子傳導的能力,進而提升離子導體元件的導電能力。本研究利用固態反應法來合成BCZYYb粉體,使用乾壓成型的製程技術來製備BCZYYb/8YSZ複合材生胚,經過高溫燒結後可以得到緻密的雙相複合材。粉體與複合材樣品使用X光繞射儀(XRD)來分析其晶體結構性質、掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)進行複合材的微結構分析、使用阿基米德法進行複合材樣品的燒結密度、使用熱機械分析儀(TMA)分析複合材燒結行為、與使用電化學阻抗頻譜儀(EIS)進行複合材的電性量測分析。實驗結果顯示,經過1500℃ 1小時的煅燒的原料粉樣品,可以獲得單一鈣鈦礦相的BCZYYb粉體。經過1500℃持溫24小時的燒結,可以成功合成具有鈣鈦礦相BCZYYb與螢石相YSZ的雙相緻密複合材,其燒結後的相對密度約為99.98%,該樣品經X光繞射法分析的結果顯示,仍然具有BCZYYb與YSZ的雙相結構。BCZYYb與YSZ雙相複合材的電性分析結果顯示,二種樣品皆呈現高溫離子導電率提升的行為,在800oC下雙相複合材的導電度約為分別為1.12x10-2 S•cm-1,其導電度的活化能約為0.633 eV。
There are two major purposes in this research, including synthesis of the materials of perovskite-structure yttrium and ytterbium co-doped barium cerium zirconate (BCZYYb), and fluorite-structure yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) by a solid state reaction (SSR) method, and fabrication of a dual-phasic composites of BCZYYb and fluorite-type Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ). The dual-phasic composites will be with the capability of protonic and oxygen-ion conductions, which will promote the electrical conductivity of the devices. BCZYYb powders were synthesized by the solid state reaction methods, and the BCZYYb and YSZ composites were fabricated by a die pressing method, and the compact duel-phasic composite can be obtained after sintered at high temperature. The powder and composite samples were analyzed either by X-ray diffraction (XRD) method to obtain the crystallographic properties, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to observe the microstructures, by Arachnid’s method to calculate the densities, by thermo-mechanical analysis (TMA) to know the sintering behaviors, or by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to measure the electrical properties. The results show the pure perovskite-structure BCZYYb powders can be obtained from the raw materials after calcined at 1500 ℃ for 1h. And the compact dual-phasic composites with BCZYYb and YSZ phases can be fabricated after sintered at 1500 oC for 24h. The highest density of the composite is up to 99.98%T.D. The result of XRD shows that the composite is still consisted of a dual-phasic structure of BCZYYb and YSZ. The electrical analysis of the BCZYYb and YSZ dual-phase composites show that both samples show an ionic conduction at high temperature. The conductivity of the dual-phase composites at 800 oC is approximately 1.12x10-2 S•cm-1. The activation energy of conductivity is about 0.633 eV.