本研究結果實證行動支付 LINE Pay 用戶的不確定性正向影響感知有用性、不確定性正向影響滿意度、感知有用性正向影響滿意度以及滿意度正向影響持續使用意圖。藉由研究探討,了解台灣消費者對於行動支付 LINE Pay 之持續使用意圖,本研究結果可提供相關企業、銀行及政府合作推廣行動支付,持續深耕年輕族群並針對年長族群加強推廣行動支付,選擇適當的策略模式,讓消費者更加願意持續使用行動支付。而行動支付業者在面對不同的消費族群時,也能夠成為決策參考依據。進而對於三者皆有助益。
With the development of mobile networks and smart mobile devices, mobile payment has become a new type of payment option. With the advancement of technology, mobile payment options are becoming more and more diversified and are an important option for mobile commerce applications. How to make consumers willing to use it again after the first time is an issue worth exploring. The findings confirm that mobile payment LINE Pay users' disconfirmation positively affects perceived usefulness, disconfirmation positively affects satisfaction, perceived usefulness positively affects satisfaction, and satisfaction positively affects
continuance usage intention.
The results of this research can provide relevant companies, banks and governments to promote mobile payment. Corporations continue to focus on young people and strengthen the promotion of mobile payment for older people. Companies then can choose an appropriate strategy model, and make consumers more willing to continue to use mobile payment. The mobile payment industry can also serve as a reference for decision making when dealing with different consumer groups. This will benefit all three parties.