摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北地區大學生「挫折復原力」與「婚姻態度」之 現況,並瞭解不同「個人背景因素」之臺北地區大學生分別在「挫折復 原力」及「婚姻態度」上的差異情形,進而探討臺北地區大學生的「挫 折復原力」、「婚姻態度」之相關性。另欲進一步瞭解不同「個人背景因 素」分別對臺北地區大學生「挫折復原力」與「婚姻態度」之預測力。
本研究係採「調查法」進行資料蒐集與分析,並採「分層隨機抽樣 法」進行抽樣,選取「臺北市」與「新北市」一般大學及科技大學之大 學生為研究母群體,實得有效份數為 583 份,有效回收率為 97.2%。 所使用之研究工具包括:「個人背景資料調查表」、「挫折復原力量表」 與「婚姻態度量表」。施測所得之資料以統計套裝軟體 SPSS for Windows 25.0 進行結果分析,分別以描述統計、單一樣本 t 檢定、單因 子變異數分析、雪費事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關,以及多元迴歸等統 計方法加以分析。經統計分析後,研究結果如下:
一、臺北地區「目前正在戀愛中」的大學生「問題解決」之挫折復原力, 較「從未有過戀愛交往經驗」的大學生為佳。
二、臺北地區大學生「未有經歷生重大活負向事件經驗」的大學生,「挫 折復原力」較「曾有重大經歷生活負向事件經驗」的大學生為佳。
四、臺北地區「目前正在戀愛交往中」與「曾有戀愛交往經驗,目前沒 有」的大學生,「婚姻態度」較「從未有過戀愛交往經驗」的大學生持正向看法。
臺北地區大學生「挫折復原力」與「婚姻態度」之間,存在「低度 正相關」,意即臺北地區大學生之「挫折復原力」愈佳,其「婚姻態度」 愈持正向看法。
臺北地區大學生之「年級」、「戀愛交往經驗」與整體「挫折復原力」 能預測整體「婚姻態度」16% 的變異量。意即臺北地區大學生為「大 一」、「目前正在戀愛交往中」與「挫折復原力」程度愈佳,其「婚姻態度」愈持正向看法。
根據上述研究結果,建議大學生宜保持平靜的情緒,培養正向的態 度,來面對生活中的逆境。於戀愛與分手經驗當中,宜從中學習,以提 升挫折復原力、瞭解自己對於未來婚姻的看法。亦可參與婚前教育相關 活動,釐清個人的婚姻價值觀;而未來有意進入婚姻的大學生,可透過 婚前教育、將婚準備課程,預先做好準備、充實自身經營婚姻之能力。 此外,建議家長給予子女適當的自我探索空間,以利自我認同的建立。以及建議導師,宜持續關心及注意學生之狀況,於大學生遭遇困境、需 要協助之際,及時給予支持,有助於大學生走出困境。最後,建議學校 教學單位,開設生命教育與婚前教育通識課程,透過多元的課程活動, 使學生從中提升挫折復原力,以澄清個人的婚姻願景。
This study aims to understand the current “resilience” and “marital attitudes” of college students in Taipei City and New Taipei City (hereinafter collectively referred to as Taipei). By examining how Taipei college students with different “personal background factors” differ in their “resilience levels” and “marital attitudes,” the study further explores the correlation between their “resilience levels” and “marital attitudes.” In addition, the study seeks to achieve a deeper understanding of the predictive power of different “personal background factors” for “resilience” and “marital attitudes” among college students in Taipei.
This study adopted the survey method for data collection and analysis and employed the stratified random sampling method to select samples, with students from regular universities and universities of science and technology in Taipei City and New Taipei City chosen as the parent population for research. With a total of 583 valid samples retrieved, the study achieved a valid recovery rate of 97.2%. Research instruments used by this study included the Personal Background Questionnaire, the Resilience Scale, and the Marital Attitude Scale. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed using the statistics software package SPSS for Windows 25.0, as well as other statistical methods like descriptive statistics, the one sample t-test, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, the Scheffe post hoc test, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the statistical analysis, the study arrived at the following research results:
I. The current “resilience” and “marital attitudes” among college students in Taipei
1. College students in Taipei display medium to high levels of overall resilience. In terms of specific areas, they show the highest level of resilience in “social support” and the lowest level of resilience in “positive emotions.”
2. College students in Taipei manifest positivity in terms of overall marital
attitudes. As regards specific areas, they show the most positive marital attitude in terms of “marriage longevity,” and the most negative marital attitude in terms of the “necessity of marriages.”
II. How “personal background factors” affect the “resilience” and “marital attitudes” of college students in Taipei
1. Taipei college students who are “currently in a romantic relationship” display higher levels of resilience in terms of “problem solving” compared to those who “have never been in a romantic relationship”.
2. Taipei college students who “have never experienced major negative life events” display higher levels of resilience than those who “have experienced major negative life events”.
3. Taipei college students who are “currently in a romantic relationship” and who “have been in romantic relationships before but are currently not in one” show a more positive marital attitude than those who “have never been in a romantic relationship”.
4. Taipei college students who “have experienced a relationship breakup” show more positive marital attitudes than those who “have never experienced a relationship breakup”.
III. The correlation between “resilience levels” and “marital attitudes” among college students in Taipei
A “low level of positive correlation” exists between “resilience levels”
and “marital attitudes” among college students in Taipei, which indicates that the higher the levels of resilience shown by college students in Taipei, the more positive the marital attitudes they hold.
IV. The predictive power of personal background factors and resilience
levels for marital attitudes among college students in Taipei
The “academic year”, “experience in romantic relationships”, and overall “resilience” of college students in Taipei demonstrate a predictive power for a 16% variance of their overall “marital attitudes”. Specifically, Taipei college students who are in their “freshman year”, “currently in a romantic relationship”, and with higher levels of “resilience” display more positive “marital attitudes”.
Based on the above research results, the study suggests that college students should maintain a peaceful emotions and cultivate a positive attitude to confront adversities in their lives. In addition, they should learn from their experiences of romantic relationships and breakups to enhance their resilience levels and better understand their views on their marriage in the future. The study also advises that college students engage in activities related to premarital education to explore their marriage values. College students who intend to enter into a marriage in the future may prepare themselves in advance and develop better ability to manage a marriage through premarital education and marriage preparation programs.
Furthermore, the study suggests that parents should give their children adequate freedom for self-exploration to facilitate the establishment of self- identity. The study also recommends that homeroom teachers should give students continued care and keep track of their condition, providing timely support when they encounter difficulties or require assistance in overcoming adversities. Finally, the study proposes that the teaching units in colleges and universities offer liberal education courses on life education and premarital education. Through diversified curriculum activities, students may improve their resilience levels and develop a clearer personal vision of marriage. |