本研究旨在探討早期療育家庭需求滿足、家庭支持及其親職壓力之研究之關聯性及預測力。主要採取量化研究之問卷調查法及統計套裝軟體SPSS18.0,工具包含「個人背景資料調查表」、「家庭需求滿足量表」、「家庭支持量表(政府支持、家庭支持、民間團體支持)」、「親職壓力量表」。所採取之樣本以所採取樣本將以使用台北市早期療育服務中心家長為選樣對象。截至2020年5月台北市早期療育服務中心共有11所,共選取154 位使用早期療育之家庭。研究者以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析、淨相關等方法進行統計分析。
This study aimed to examine the association among family need satisfaction, family support and parental stress with early intervention families in Taipei city and also to explore the prediction of family need satisfaction, family support toward parental stress. This study used quantitative survey to collect data including demographic variable , such as gender, age od child, SES, mother age, marital status, family need satisfaction scale, family support scale, and parental stress scale. The total 154 family samples selected from 11 early intervention service centers in Taipei City. The statistical analyses included descriptive statistical methods, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson‘s correlation, stepwise multiple regression method and partial correlation. The conclusions are followed:
1. There were quite a few significant differences between demographic variables and examined independent and dependent variables, such as family need satisfaction, family support and parental stress.
2. There existed a moderate and low positive correlation between family need satisfaction, family support and parental stress, such as a moderate positive correlation between family need satisfaction and family support; a low positive correlation between the spiritual need satisfaction subscale of family need satisfaction scale and parental stress.
3. There existed a significant negative correlation between formal (government) social-emotional support and parental stress.
4. There existed a significant negative correlation between family social support and parental stress.
5. There existed a significant positive correlation between NPO social support and parental stress.
6. There were only 8.5% variance of prediction between family care need and parental stress.
7. There existed a positive correlation between spiritual need satisfaction subscale and parental stress when partial out social support.