In Taiwan’s insurance industry, by 2019, there are 74.66 million valid medical contracts, with a contract insured amount of 12.8 trillion NTD, and 5.8 million new contracts every year. 3.4 trillion of insurance premiums, and 11 million claims a year. Life insurance on average, the company processes more than 30,000 claims ap-plications per day, and the amount of claims is as high as 140 billion. However, the medical claims procedures are cumbersome and time-consuming. Claim disputes and fraudulent claims have been heard from time to time. How to overcome these prob-lems has always been the insurance industry. Pain points.
In 2020, Taiwan's insurance industry will implement a pilot program for the blockchain alliance chain for claims protection, and use blockchain technology to in-troduce the traditional administrative process of the life insurance industry, exchange and share information through the blockchain platform, accelerate the timeliness of customer claims and reduce the cost of administrative operations. To improve the existing claims process problems, this research uses expert interviews to understand the current status of the current blockchain pilot project, discusses and summarizes the current shortcomings of the alliance chain and issues that need attention in sub-sequent development, and has provided reference for the development of Taiwan's insurance industry and insurance technology industry