The evolution of science and technology has changed people’s lifestyles, particularly in the digital era. However, less attention is paid to how the seniors react to this dramatic change in terms of their perceptions and behaviors on mobile applications and payment. To fill the aforementioned challenge, this thesis analyzes and categorizes Taiwanese seniors based upon digital lifestyle measurements.
This thesis analyzed the data receiving from 302 seniors. On the basis of four factors of digital lifestyle measures, four clusters were identified. The four clusters are digital life enjoyers, digital life experiencers, digital life hesitaters, and digital life resisters. This thesis presents findings and proposes implications on how the government and how education players react to the online learning patterns. In addition, it is also found that digital lifestyle performs better than that of demographic variables in terms of distinguishing behaviors and attitudes toward mobile applications of seniors. Finally, this study also finds that although Covid-19 may drive more positive attitudes of seniors toward mobile applications, the truly usage behaviors will not increase unless corresponding incentives being offered.