台灣已經進入高齡社會,隨著年齡的增長,肌肉力量逐年流失,進而影響身體平衡能力的好壞,而平衡能力與跌倒的風險息息相關,跌倒之後造成的受傷風險與失能是要盡量避免的。本文以文獻回顧方式,以關鍵字平衡、柔軟度、老年人、阻力訓練,透過華藝線上圖書館、PubMed資料庫及Google Scholar,搜尋國內外的相關研究,一共34篇原創性論文、8篇回顧性文章及6本書籍,進行整理,探討不同運動對於高齡者平衡能力的影響。阻力訓練可以提昇肌肉質量與力量,足夠肌肉量對於肌力的維持是必要的,柔軟度訓練可以增加關節活動度維持身體平衡能力,採用複合式的運動處方可以提升高齡者平衡能力。
The elderly in Taiwan accounted for 14.1% of the total population, and they have entered an aging society. Muscle strength is lost year by year, which in turn affects the balance of the body. The balance training can be used as elderly people falling preventive program. The risk of injury and disability should be avoided as much as possible. In order to maintain balance and avoid falling, the body produces different balance and stabilization strategies. Based on literature review, the keyword are balance, flexibilit , the elderly, resistance training through PubMed database, and Google Scholar, search for related research .A total of 34 original papers, 8 articles were review papers and 6 books, summarized, to explore the influence of different sports for the elderly balance. In recent years, the benefits of resistance training to reduce muscle loss have gradually been emphasized. Sufficien muscle mass is necessary for the maintenance of muscle strength and has a good effect on maintaining body balance. By adding different elements to the exercise schedule, it can effectivel improve the balance of elderly.