研究以棒球員的攻擊指數(total average;TA)、打擊率(batting average;AVG)、上壘率(on base percentage;OBP)、長打率(slugging percentage;SLG)為依據,探討棒球比賽的打擊順序安排問題。目的:配合不同棒次的需求,做最適當的一對一指派。方法:設定各棒次的選取指標,並對不同的進攻數據給予不同權重進行求解。結果:一、二、三、四棒維持不變,其餘棒次則有更動。結論:研究以數據分析球員的績效表現,預期目標最適化。結果或可提供決策者做為參考。
Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to arrange the batting order for the baseball games in accordance with the hitting statistics of players. Methods:The problem is described as an assignment problem, and a basic software package is applied to solve the problem. Results:The proposed line-up proves its rationality, yet, the effectiveness remains to be verified. Conclusion:The calculations reflect the performance of players, which may serve as a reference for arranging batting order.