能夠成功預測股票漲勢或跌勢是當前投資人所追求的,根據投資市場假設,公司股價的價值是由當前所有可用的信息給定,當分析師、投資機構交易者及投資人評估當前股價時,新聞在股價估值過程中,有一定影響性且常常發揮重要作用。而事實上,金融新聞刊載有關於公司基本面的訊息、要約收購訊息及足以影響市場參與者期望的質化訊息,往往都是落後資訊,且股價已先行反應。在大數據時代,線上新聞文章的數量持續的大幅增長且雜而亂,在如此巨量的文字資料面前,越來越多的機構依靠現代計算機的高速處理能力來進行文字探勘與智能選股,以建構更準確的股價趨勢預測模型。使用文章中非結構化的數據,是最具挑戰性的研究方向,也將是本研究工作的重點。本論文中,本文要解決的是在財經新聞雜而亂且皆為落後指標裡,找出仍有價值的事件訊息。採用C# 程式進行網頁數據抓取被收購公司資料並利用中介效果、期望值理論及機器學習決策樹分析,當被收購公司股票市價低於要約收購價時,將採取買進策略,預期在收購期間股價市價將低於或等於收購價,而長期公司因被收購進行了垂直或水平整合,公司整體營運體質會改變,且公司股票集中於收購公司,故長期市價將高於收購價,此為心理面。與一般投資人所研究的基本面、技術面及籌碼面有所不同。而研究結果也發現,被收購公司的股價上漲也將因營收、毛利及稅後盈餘的變動有相對應的漲或跌。
The ability to successfully predict the up-trend or down-trend of the stock prices is what current investors are pursuing. According to the assumptions of the investment market, the value of the company’s stock price is given by all currently available information. When analysts, investment institutions, traders and investors evaluate the cur-rent stock price, news has a certain influence and often plays an important role in the process of stock price valuation. In fact, financial news published information about the company's fundamentals, tender offers, and qualitative information that can influence the expectations of market participants are often delayed information, and stock prices have already been reflected in advance. In the era of big data, the number of online news articles continues to grow substantially and is messy. In the face of such a huge amount of text data, more and more organizations rely on the high-speed processing capabilities of modern computers for text exploration and intelligent stock selection. To construct a more accurate stock price trend prediction model. Using the unstructured data in the article is the most challenging research direction and will also be the focus of this study. This paper aims to find valuable information in the chaotic financial news that are delayed indicators. We implemented C# program to capture the data of the acquired company and analyze it. When the market price of the acquired company’s stock is lower than the tender offer price, it will adopt a buying strategy. It is expected that the stock price and market price will be lower than or equal to the acquisition price during the acquisition period. The company has undergone vertical or horizontal integration due to the acquisition, the company's overall operating structure has changed, and the compan