區塊鏈(Blockchain)科技的快速發展已成為金融科技(FinTech)運用的新趨勢。由於區塊鏈的設計本於交易總帳(Transaction Ledger)技術的應用,架構於點對點網路(Peer-to-Peer Network)上的分散式資料記錄儲存結構,運用加密技術及共識演算法(Consensus Algorithm),能夠抵抗資料不被竄改、迅速恢復系統運作之穩定性並保護資料備份。
文中運用Hyperledger Fabric與Ethereum開放平台技術,對交易進行各項的驗證,並考慮不同之共識演算法以及智慧合約的組合,進行比較分析探討,最後並就研究中所遇到的問題進行整理。
Blockchain technology has been developed into one of the most important tech-nology innovation on the main stream of FinTech applications. With its original design focuses on building “A Peer-to-Peer electronic cash system” of future from Bitcoin, which makes the transaction ledger to be stored in a decentralized database on its peer-to-peer network system. It utilizes modern encryption and consensus algorithms to further protect system, data security and integrity from malicious intends.
In this research, we are going to provide a detailed step-by-step understanding on what the blockchain technology is, how to decide if your organization needs it or not, and most of all how to apply it onto your business model to be successful in the tomor-row market.
We will also compare Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum system platforms in this research to show their pros and cons. At the end, reader should be able to tell which platform is the best choice for enterprise grade Blockchain system for their application as the technology evolving goes by now.