本研究目的在探討2019年競技體操世錦賽男子成隊資格賽前12名優秀國家,6個項目各分值與成隊成績之關係,以及6個項目整套動作難度使用策略。研究方法以皮爾森積差相關分析各國6項之單項總分、D分分值(Difficulty Score)及E分分值(Execution Score)與成隊成績之相關性程度,並蒐集各國難度使用次數(共1798筆資料),以交叉表及皮爾森卡方檢定檢視不同國家在難度使用次數比例之差異。結果顯示前12名國家在鞍馬、雙槓、吊環及單槓之單項總分與成隊成績呈現高度相關(r=0.722~0.819; p=0.001~0.008),單項總分之影響主要來自於D分分值(p=0.001~0.016)。難度使用比例在不同國家之間達顯著差異(χ2(33, n=1798)=76.251; p<0.001),各國皆以D難度約佔4成使用比例為最多,E以上難度會隨著成隊排名越高,其使用比例越高,前5名國家約佔3成,第6至12名國家約佔1.5至2成。建議各國男子競技體操選手,應在各項目整套動作中置入超過5個D難度以上動作,以取得世錦賽資格賽成隊競賽前12名之資格,進而獲取奧運會成隊資格名額。
This study aimed to explore the relationship between 6 individual even-score and team qualification results and strategy of element value proportion within competition routines for the top 12 elite men's team in the 2019 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships. The methods used Pearson product-moment correlation to evaluate the relation between team qualification results and even-score, D-score (Difficulty Score), and E-score (Execution Score). We used crosstable and Pearson chi-square test to examine the difference of the portion of element value among different countries. The results showed that team qualification results had significant high relation with even-score in Pommel Horse, Parallel Bars, Rings and Horizontal Bar (r = 0.722 ~ 0.819; p = 0.001 ~ 0.008). The effect of even-score was mainly contributed from D-score (r = 0.675 ~ 0.828; p = 0.001 ~ 0.016), but not from E-score (p = 0.070 ~ 0.946). The proportion of element value had a significant difference between different countries (χ2=76.251; p < 0.001). The proportion of D value was about 40%, the highest, within competition routines. As the ranks were higher, the proportion of the elements above E value was higher. The top 5 countries used about 30% of the elements of above E value. The ranked 6 to 12 countries used about 15 ~ 20%. We suggest international men's gymnasts should contain 5 and 5 more elements above D value in competition routines of even apparatus, to qualify for the top 12 teams in Men's Team Qualification of World Championships, and Olympic team.