摘要: | 本研究之旨在探討托嬰中心托育人員工作價值觀、組織承諾與留任意願之關係。研究方法採分層叢集抽様方式間卷調查,以新北市公共托嬰中心30 所採以集叢抽樣法,研究實際發出396份紙本卷,刪除 2 份填答不完整問卷,總計有效問卷為 394份,共計有效問卷回收率達 99.5%,問卷調查實料回收以統計套装軟體SPSSI8.0進行分析,實料分析主要採用統計方法包括: 描述性統計、獨立樣本檢定考驗、單因子變異數分析和皮爾森積差相關、还步多元退歸分析等。統計分析的結果彙整主要研究結論。本研究之重要發現如下:
1.新北市公共托嬰中心托育人員對三種工作價值之現況屬中上程度, 其中以「人際價值」表現最為突出。
4.新北市公共托嬰中心托育人員因不同年齡、婚姻狀況背景變項的不同之托育人員, 所知覺在托中心留任意願的現況差異情形有顯著差異
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between the work values, organizational commitment and willingness to stay in childcare centers. The research method adopts a stratified cluster sampling method of inter-volume survey, and the cluster sampling method adopted by 30 public childcare centers in New Taipei City, the research actually issued 396 paper volumes, deleted 2 incomplete questionnaires, and a total of valid questionnaires 394 copies, a total of 99.5% of valid questionnaires were returned.
The questionnaire survey is collected by the statistical package software SPSSI8.0 for analysis. The main statistical methods for the actual data analysis include: descriptive statistics, independent sample verification test, single factor variance analysis, Pearson product difference correlation, and multivariate regression. Analysis etc. The results of the statistical analysis summarize the main research conclusions. The important findings of this research are as follows:
1. The current status of the value of the three types of work by the nursery staff of the New Taipei City Public Child Care Center is at the middle to upper level, of which the "interpersonal value" is the most prominent.
2. The current status of perceptual organization commitments among nursery staff in New Taipei City Public Child Care Centers is mid-to-high, with "emotional commitments" being the most prominent.
3. The current status of childcare staff's perceived willingness to stay at the nursery school is at a medium-to-high level. The results of the study found that the current average score of childcare staff's perceived willingness to stay in the nursery center is (M=3.73) between "partially in line" and "in line". The perception of will is in the upper middle level; It can be understood from this phenomenon that the current positive impact of childcare personnel's willingness to stay is still high.
4. New Taipei City public childcare center nursery staff due to different ages, marital status, and background variables, the status of the nursery staff who is aware of leaving any wishes in the nursery center is significantly different.
5. The work values of the nursery staff in the New Taipei City Nursery Center are significantly and moderately positively correlated with organizational commitments, and work values are significantly and moderately positively correlated with the willingness to stay.
6. Work values and organizational commitments have a significant predictive power on the willingness to stay.
Finally, based on the above-mentioned research results and conclusions, specific suggestions are put forward to serve as references for social welfare administrative units, childcare institutions, childcare personnel and future researchers. |