In the era of digital economy, the issue of corporate digital transformation has been re-garded as one of the key topics for business. Particularly, as the COVID-19 pandemic re-form or limit the behaviors of both business and consumers, the needs of digital transfor-mation are enforced. However, it is known that digital transformation cannot be imple-mented shortly and is not purely a technological issue; instead, how to identify individual status and problems of each firm would be an underestimated step for the success of digi-tal transformation practices. Owing to the fact that current literature provides limited in-formation in terms of the above-mentioned issue, this thesis focuses on developing a draft of digital transformation evaluation method, including a suggested survey questionnaire and sampling strategy, through a review of current practice and literature. Finally, to vali-date the feasibility of the proposed model and illustrate how to apply the proposed ap-proach, a field test on a representative media corporate in Taiwan is conducted.