截至民國九十年底,核准引進的(藍領)外籍勞工人數約為380,632人。其中,核准引進的外籍監護工人數約為127,873人,占總核准引進外籍勞工人數的33.59%;核准引進的外籍家庭幫傭人數約為11,907人,占總核准引進外籍勞工人數的3.13%。 針對外籍監護工和外籍家庭幫擁的引進,一項受人重視的議題是外籍監護工與外籍家庭幫傭的引進究竟對國內就業產生什麼樣的影響?根據調查發現與文獻資料顯示,吾人可以初步得到以下結論: 第一、 外籍監護工與家庭幫傭的引進確實反映出社會上的需求。然而,由於缺乏具體及客觀的審核機制,外籍監護工與家庭幫傭的引進確實也產生「不夠嚴謹」的疑慮。 第二、針對僱用家庭女性雇主的就業影響而言,外籍監護工與家庭幫傭的引進不盡然會促使沒有工作的女性雇主投入就業市場,但是,對穩定有工作女性雇主的就業確實產生正向的影響。
By the end of 2001, the number of admitted foreign blue-collar workers to Taiwan was around 380,632 persons. Among them, 33.59% was for caretaker job, and 3.13% for domestic helper job. With the inflow of so many foreign domestic helpers and caretakers, one interesting question that has been frequently raised is whether the importation of foreign domestic helpers and caretakers has fulfilled its policy goal, i.e. to increase the female labor force participation rate in Taiwan? Through the questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, the authors reach the following preliminary conclusion: 1. The importation of foreign domestic helpers and caretakers has actually reflected the social need. However, the lack of screening mechanism has aroused some doubts that the importation of foreign domestic helpers and caretakers would have negative impact on the society as a whole. 2. As to the effect on the female labor force participation rate in Taiwan, the importation of foreign domestic helpers and caretakers has been of little help to increasing the female labor force participation rate in Taiwan, but to some extent it helps some women solve the problem of taking care of housework while being employed.