在長年期壽險,約定半年為期繳納保費,對於保險人的保險金給付請求權,既然在保險事故發生後(即被保險人死亡)才會到期,到期時點往往非計算保費的保險期間終了,此一時點後之已繳保費是否為未到期保費?如該時點所屬保險期間保費尚未繳納,保險人於依約給付保險金時,是否因並未承擔危險,不得全數扣除,而應返還,返還數額如何計算,不無疑問?臺灣臺北地方法院 90 年度北保險小字第 47 號持肯定見解,認為保險事故發生後,即使該時點所屬保險期間保費尚未繳納,仍存在「未經過保險費」。系爭保險契約條款,既未針對如何處理加以約定,自應依照保險法第 54 條第 2 項所規定保險契約解釋之一般原則,應以有利於被保險人之解釋為原則,尚不能以契約未約定,即解釋為不必退還。臺灣臺北地方法院 90 年度保險小上字第 7 號判決,亦持相同看法,惟使用「身故後退還未到期保險費」取代「未經過保險費」一語;並認為「保險費不可分原則」,其概念乃源自「風險不可分原則」,保險人之新商品亦已就身故後已繳保險費之退費方式加以明定,顯見該原則並非不得加以排除。本文著眼於內容控制,由釐清相關保險術語出發,分析判決缺失,提出看法。
Usually, the insurance policy period is terminated upon insured’s death. According to two judgments rendered by Taipei District Court (90 Pei-Pao-Shien-Hsiao 47 and 90 Pao-Shien-Hsiao-San 7), the beneficiary may claim the unearned premium offset by the insurer with the insured amount, even if the premium during the insurance period of the insured’s death was unpaid. Apparently, such opinions are based upon a misunderstanding of the policy reserve, unearned premium and death benefit. This essay will first clarify the relevant insurance terminology, and then it will proceed to comment on the defects of the said judgments in view of contract control.